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Friday 1 October 2021


   Circe is the mythical Greek goddess- sorceress who ruled the island of Aeaea; any shipwrecked mariner who landed on its shores was turned into an animal- wolf, lion, swine- a fate which also befell the Greek hero Odysseus. In 1965 Nirad C Chaudhri, the last of the breed of Anglophiles, wrote a book of essays on India which he titled THE CONTINENT OF CIRCE. It was his postulation that, for various reasons, the Indian sub-continent was a continent of Circe, turning humans into animals. Nirad da was roundly condemned at the time for this sacrilege and betook himself to Oxford in a kind of self imposed exile. Today, half a century later, he has been completely vindicated- we have become a country of beasts, not so much of the lion and wolf variety as that of the porcine one.

  Anyone who has been surprised by the police violence and deaths in Darrang district of Assam last week, or by the murder of a Kanpur businessman in a Gorakhpur hotel by six policemen this past Wednesday , must have been in a coma these last seven years. Because the hatred, the viciousness of majoritarianism, the intolerance, the complete lack of compassion for Gandhi's " daridranarayan", the total lack of accountability, the religious fanaticism which has been building up since 2014 has been there for all to see. It has been steadily spreading its poisonous tentacles as the BJP has consolidated itself and its rule. Geographically, it has gone beyond the Hindu heartland, even into hitherto untouched north-east; it has infected government agencies and services, including the Army and the IAS; it has captured most of the media; it has occupied the mind spaces of society to a point where men have lost their reason and have become, well, swines.

  It began, of course, as all bad things do, with the government of the day, ably supported and instigated by the shadowy figures in Nagpur. The strategy functioned/ functions at three levels. One, push through policies to disempower and de-identify all minorities, especially the "abbajans". Secondly, encourage second rung leaders to make open and provocative statements targeting minorities, dissidents, farmers, journalists, even inconvenient industrialists, so that the message is clearly understood. Third, let loose the hounds as in Muzzafarnagar and north-east Delhi , our own made-in-India Ku Klux Klan, with firm directions to the police to act as facilitators for the violence. And the rot has set in deep within the government itself.

  The brutality shows when  a young rape victim is forcibly cremated at midnight by an administration which later tells a court that absence of spermatozoa means no rape took place; it shows when 500 farmers are allowed to die at protest sites and the Prime Minister cannot spare even one tweet of sympathy; it shows when millions of migrants are compelled to trudge hundreds of miles to their homes, with the administration lathi-charging them and hosing them with pesticides to hurry them along; it shows when the government says no Covid victim died of lack of oxygen; it shows when students are beaten up in their hostels and libraries, millions disenfranchised as citizens of the country on the basis of a dodgy immigration policy, when you can be shot to death for having a lathi in your hands. It is an endless litany, and after a while the brain stops registering anything except a passive acceptance of our depravation and brutalisation.

  Responding to the dog whistles from Delhi the administration has become totally insensitive and heartless, as exemplified by the NITI AYOG CEO's assertion that we " have too much democracy." Sovereign violence is the answer to any protest, cases against victims the response to mob lynchings. The police in most states are now totally unaccountable, encounter killings a standard SOP, sedition and the UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) the weapons of first resort for a blood thirsty apparatus. Even the elite civil services have been infected by the virus of power lust. The SDM of Karnal who has interpreted the CRPC to be  some kind of a Handbook on Savagery is, unfortunately, not the only civil servant to do so, he is only the latest example of what happens when the bureaucracy imbibes the perverted values of its political masters. There have been at least seven documented incidents in the recent past alone when officers of the level of District Magistrate/ Sub Divisional Magistrate have displayed utter savagery and a particular ideological bent of mind in dealing with the public.                                                                                                                                                       An IAS officer slaps a young boy on a road in Shahjapur district of MP for no ostensible reason; Prakash Singh Rajput, SDM of Surajpur in Chattisgarh hits a young man and forces him to do sit-ups for violating quarantine rules; a District Magistrate in Tripura barges into a wedding function, intimidating and arresting people at will for the same reason; Ranbir Sharma, a Collector in Chattisgarh slaps a man and smashes his cell phone on a road for some imagined slight.  A magistrate has no legal authority to use physical force on a citizen, and each of these acts by these officers amounts to a criminal offence, but no attempt has been made to discipline them. This growing trend of civil servants behaving like storm troopers of an occupation force must be curbed with an iron hand before it becomes the norm, as it already has with the police.

  This heartlessness and lack of compassion or concern for the ordinary citizen has not spared the judiciary either. Taking due care not to antagonize the executive, it has fallen prey to the same disease. There can be no other conclusion when journalists and activists are kept in prison for years on trumped up or no charges at all, when hundreds of habeas corpus petitions are allowed to pend for months, when no action is taken on cases of forced encounters, when it takes a court three weeks to decide whether an undertrial who suffers from Parkinsons can be permitted a sipper for drinking water, when a man practically on his deathbed is refused bail on medical grounds, when a woman who accuses a judge of improper sexual advances can be dismissed from service and put under surveillance.

  The less said about the major part of the media- print and television- the better. They resemble nothing better than a pack of hyenas feeding off the offal thrown them by a contemptuous executive. Their complete lack of humanity and empathy was more than evident in the coverage of the Tabliqui Jamaat congregation, the exhumation of the still warm corpse of Sushant Rajput, the sufferings of millions of migrant labour, the demonisation of those who protested against the CAA and NRC, the state assault on students that happens every day, their complicity with the government in covering up the tens of thousands of deaths in the second wave. The media has mortgaged not only its ethics but also its soul to Mammon.

  But most disheartening and saddening of all is the brutalisation of our society as a whole. Under the onslaught of a government and a party which has an EVM where its heart should be, our collective social values have all but collapsed into a stinking pool of prejudices, ignorance, triumphalism and religious intolerance. Everything- every repressive action, every incident of state or vigilante violence, every police atrocity, every lie by the government, every distortion of history- is seen through a religious prism, and the hard facets of the prism sanctify and bless all misdeeds of the government and its minions. Underpinning all this is nothing but hatred- for Muslims, intellectuals, questioning students, protesting farmers, liberals, human rights activists, migrant labour, landless dalits. In short, anyone who questions the government or makes it look bad. I am appalled at the kind of forwards and messages floating around on Whatsapp and Facebook. There is no use blaming these platforms, as we are constantly attempting to do. They do the work of Dorian Grey's picture- honestly reflecting back to us the ugly reality of what we have become as a nation but refuse to admit. We may deny it but that will not change the reality.

  It is bad enough when the politics of the day becomes callous and brutal, but this is not irretrievable. Parties in power change, and an inhumane or harsh ideology can be replaced by a softer, more liberal one. But once this malignancy enters the apparatus of administration and the blood stream of society it is difficult to dislodge. We appear to be entering this terminal stage. 

  I am reminded of two lines form Lord Byron's Child Harolde's Pilgrimage which were inscribed by the distinguished jurist H.M. Seervai on the first page of  his authoritative book  "Constitutional Law Of India":

" A thousand years scarce serve to form a state,

An hour may lay it in the dust."

Has Nirad Babu's hour arrived finally?


  1. Brutally true, starkly honest, frighteningly blunt. If we are to retrieve the situation, each of us must change. There is no help without; help is all within.

    1. By breaking the tentacles of fanaticism through rational behaviour only we can remodel the society.

  2. The despairing truth of our times.
    And is there any good? I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

  3. Very correct analysis of our country and the society that is being brutalised everyday. We must stand firm both individually and collectively against this process of demonisation and atrophy of the society- the numbness of our conscience.

  4. A bitter truth....I sincerely wish good senses prevail on us.

  5. The sad truth is that we have had a brutal culture at least since the 8th century AD, when we brutally eliminated Buddhism and Jainism from our country, and reinstated caste-oppression. The great beauty of structural oppression is that you don't see it after it has been set in place. The efforts of Muslim, Sikh and other reformers over centuries had only marginal effect. It required Western Christian missionaries and their chelas, the Hindu Reformers, to open our eyes to the structural violence of our society. Therefore, for several decades we were gradually able to lift some of the oppression. However, under the tutelage of Hindutva, our social brutality has merely returned. We are going through the savagery which our people saw in the 8th century. If the Hindutvans succeed, we will have restored structural violence to our society, this time complete with electronic surveillance. That will be a darkness difficult to dislodge. Which is why it is essential to fight it with every ounce of our energy right now. It is not only the fate of our whole society which is at stake but that of our own children and grandchildren.

    1. Hi,
      Do you have any recommend reading on this line of study.
      Best Wishes

    2. Hinduism always allowed dissent and criticism; reformers were active not since advent of the British during 18th century as claimed but since Vedic period when our sages were composing Upanishads. Hinduism had two streams—Brahman and Shravan. Among Brahmans too there hardly was unanimity of views. Recall the debate during 9th century between Shankara and Mandal Mishra. During Bhakti period too Chaitanya, who propounded popular form of Vaishnavism did not believe in caste system. Ramanand too who was guru of Kabir treated all castes equal. When Europeans came, the scholars and philologists started translating the great treasure that lied buried in our old scriptures. That discovery triggered Indian Renaissance; Raja Rammohan Roy, Bakim Chandra Chatterjee, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Vivekanand, Swami Dayanand Saraswati and others aroused Hindus about their past glory as also the evils that was afflicting Hindu society—sati, caste discrimination, child marriage etc. While during Muslim period some lower caste Hindus converted to Islam on their own volition Lakhs of Hindus were converted forcibly; thousands of temples were desacreded and destroyed. Christian missionaries, supported by European colonists went about ‘ harvesting souls’ of ‘heathens’ to save them from perennial fire of hell.
      It is easy to criticise Hindus and Hinduism as they are most tolerant. Hindus always acknowledge their weaknesses and are willing to improve but that doesn’t apply to Abrahamic religions. I suggest they too undertake some soul-searching to realise the truth.

  6. Avay, You have summed up the current state of the nation in your brutally frank manner. This had to be told in this manner, so that better sense prevails amongst those who have brought the nation to this level.

    It is also appropriate that it has been written today; what a difference between the teachings of the Father of the Nation and those who wield power today.

    I had written in similar vein a piece titled "Who Let the Goons Out?" that was published in July 2017 in The Citizen; the link if anyone wants to read it is:

  7. We are now see foreigners(POTUS and VEEP)publicly telling us about Democratic values and its Institutions

  8. So true !
    Happy to have writers who are fearless to write the blunt truth.

    How l wish the clock rewinds and l go back to the same old peace loving lndia with peace loving innocent people around me when l was child.
    Too much to expect l guess ....

  9. Hit the nail on the head once again's sad...really really sad....

  10. His best ever..., kudos to you for your honest and brutal perspective. Love it

  11. Yet, we have a huge population of educated well-to-do sitting on the fence, or indeed endorsing this cult of violence on the weak. Can we wait till 2024 to resist further decline?

  12. Thank you, Mr. Avay, for your graphic representation of the sad state of affairs in the country. But, how can I as a member of civil society and being a responsible citizen attempt to arrest the slide? How can I, being unarmed and powerless, stand up against the might of an insensitive state and its lumpens who behave like bloodhounds, even on social media platforms?

  13. Replying to Mr. DS Ranga Rao's observation of 3rd October above:
    We cannot all join politics or take part in public demonstrations for different reasons. But we CAN do our little bit by standing up to the lies, fake claims and spread of hatred on social media: disassociate yourself from any group that spreads these kind of falsehood and intolerance; do not subscribe to channels or digital platforms that do the same; donate to publications/ causes/ NGOs that help the victims of state/ vigilante repression; make clear to your friends and contacts where you stand on these seminal issues, do not watch TV channels like Republic or Times Now but get your news from independent digital and YouTube platforms. But most important of all- DO NOT BE A SILENT SPECTATOR TO EVENTS AND DO NOT SIT ON THE FENCE. Speak out when the occasion so demands: silence is complicity.

    1. Thank you. In fact, I've been doing the same by standing up against all sorts of fakery, canard and calumny on the SM. Because I believe by disassociating or by keeping away from such 'Troll Brigades' will only encourage them to spread the poison no holds barred. We have to take them head on by standing up tall and broad. So, to the extent possible, I try to scotch the rumors, baseless and headless forwards and nail them, at least in my batchmates and colleagues groups, with "Fact Check" versions or information from authentic and verifiable sources. I do so because I agree with your words:"DO NOT BE A SILENT SPECTATOR TO EVENTS AND DO NOT SIT ON THE FENCE." But that doesn't seem to be enough either to stop or slow down the slide of democracy in our country. Incorrigible, hate-filled and power-drunk as they are, they do not seem to be amenable to reason or conscience. I am also worried about another thing: While the evil is united and backed by the might of the government, the good is divided and scattered and even isolated. That's where is our weakness and their strength.

  14. How perfectly encapsulated.
    When an agenda-driven, uniformist regime comes to power after salivating for it over decades, I suppose it will unleash itself upon the nation with power-hungry lust as is being witnessed.
    What the regime is perpetrating was there to gauge and decipher between the lines of its election prospectus, vowed policies, leaders' speeches, and its behaviour for the time it was in opposition from the early nineties.
    What is unfathomable is the support base it has carved for itself over these decades of being in the wings. It is astounding that the nation has a sizeable population so hateful, so contemptuous, so intolerant of those it (is made to percieve) as a "threat" to them. What kind of threat I muse. The sheer numbers (77 percent Hindus and 23 percent non-Hindus) of the demography are so staggeringly skewed that any "threat" to the majority appears to stem from a psychosis fed to it intentionally, maliciously. The PEW survey has shattered some imagined fears - as the rate of population increase of Hindus and non Hindus - to smithereens. It has exhibited much commonality and similarity of thoughts, beliefs and practices among majority and minority commumities. Yet this regime successfully fosters divide along religious lines and keeps it festering. The Prime Minister chose to remember 14th August as a remembrance day of the horrors of Partition, much in line with the regime's endeavours to keep hatred ignited and smouldering, but with subtlety.
    Avay Shukla as usual, in his uniquely gifted style, has sketched the naked truth.

    1. Pew survey is based on aggregates which hide several dangerous facts such as emergence of Muslims as a majority in many parts of the country. Had they been peace-loving like Parsis and Jains there would be no danger but problem is a fringe among them starts pushing out non-Muslims from areas where they have become dominant. Go to some bordering districts of West Bengal or parts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala or Andhra Pradesh you will find temples vandalised and cowering Hindus fleeing foe safety. Please do not ignore these sordid facts which are normally ignored by mainstream media (don’t think they cover all news in unbiased fashion and only Tom Tom achievements of the government). I believe that majority of Muslims are peace-loving but unfortunately when they acquire dominant position in some area they are unable to check fanaticism of their fringe. When fringe elements among Hindus go out of control the government must crack the whip on them. At the same time, they cannot sit tight when some rouge elements are out to destroy the unity of the nation in pursuance of their communal agenda.

  15. Why demonise the real beasts? Pigs, donkeys dogs, lions, cats et al., are far far better than humans. We are the cancer, we are the virus. No animal behaves like we humans do.

    1. We were not created to be worse than animals. God made us to do good. However, when greed, hatred and revenge replace the desire to love, do good and to be a blessing to others, then we become a disgrace and scourge to humanity.

  16. Whole article is full of hatered and does not understand the complexity of understanding the running of a country big as India.

    You have been a part of ruling elite and I wonder how you missed the good governance policies being implemented.

    You are afraid in the name of compassion and civil liberties maligning an efficient governance.

    The welfare of masses is being done and implementation thereof is ignored , in the name of liberties of few.

    Your writing is negative, lacks real depth and logical scope, it is like saying if a few policeman go wild , whole system of governance is condemned.

    You donot see the beauty of democratic elections where , government are changed.See the Bengal elections .

    You have no words for people who are killled, by naxalites, Maoists, you have no word for the parasites of casteism , or fear of Kashmir losing its minorities fully , there is no word , in this country losing its cultural heritage, etc . Or this country getting enslaved agin by Chinese or Pakistanis, I can write and write.

    You have view, but there is always a 2nd side of coin, which in this subject you have blissful ignored and this is what makes your article biased , one sided and prejudiced and full of a turd for the people who have voted for the government.

    My Prayers for wisdom to you/ your ability to understand both sides of the coin and then reach a conclusion which is without bias and prejudice.

    1. Your comnent on the "beauty of democratic elections" in relation to the recent West Bengal hustings is nothing but making a virtue out of necessity. The state was besieged multiple times - like Mohd Ghazni's invasions of India as Hindutva fanatics are wont to constantly lament - by no less than Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Nadda, Ajay Mohan Bisht of UP, et al. And the EC too had extended its cooperation by providing an unprecedented lengthy spread of period of polling dates. The enforcement agencies of the Central Government too chipped in to harass selected targets. Amit Shah boasted that the BJP would sweep the polls with more than 200 seats. They ended up with 67. It was Mamata Bannerjee's triumph in spite of all the chicanery of the BJP and its bag of tricks to subvert the democratic process.

  17. Such a feeling persists in the society, among common people. You've stated a number of examples to back this feeling. It's scary to realize I live in a jungle of sorts, surrounded by worse than 'animalistic' instincts, managed to survive their wrath so far, not knowing when those instincts will turn against me, and for what reasons. I am bewildered with the insatiable hunger for 'feeling powerful' that these people in authority have. They must be hollow and empty of values within, for them to feel taller, stronger, more powerful, bigger, better, by brutalizing the smaller, weaker, deprived people around.

  18. The Nazis and Hitler boasted that the Third Reich would last a thousand years. It lasted but for 12 years.
    The current fascist BJP regime might last a wee bit longer. May be 20-30 years. But it will be consigned to the dung heap of history sooner than later.

  19. You said in one of your blogs in 2019 that PM has two choices. The high and low road. He has exactly taken the low road. Rough times ahead.

  20. Brilliant! I for one, sincerely hope Ramesh Ramachandra's optimism comes true soon enough, and what we are going through is only a passing nightmare.

  21. Avay Shukla has repeatedly brought out the deficiencies of this Govt in many articles. Most justified.
    When I see the alternative I shudder to think why can’t we have sane people standing for elections. The answer is very simple they won’t get the required votes.
    That is what our country has come to.

  22. "it has infected government agencies and services, including the Army and the IAS" is the truthful indictment of two most powerful organs of the nation India.

    Setting of rot is incipient. Time will tell.

    Dismissing claims of Hinduism being in danger, the Union ministry of home affairs (MHA) stated that it has no record or evidence concerning any so-called threats to Hindu religion.
    But still the ranters and rabble-rousers continue to 'cry-wolf' like Quixotes so as to "unite" India!!
