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Saturday 8 August 2020


   I am fully aware that the subject I am about to broach is a touchy one, as any good word, even a muted one, about Rahul Gandhi is considered unfashionable these days and runs counter to the howling of the mobs. However, I put my faith in the wisdom of Thomas Carlyle who famously said:  "Popular public opinion is the biggest lie", and proceed to say my bit. But some disclaimers are in order. Firstly, I write this as an ordinary citizen of India, a privileged one perhaps, but as susceptible to the slings and arrows of today's violent forces as the poor chap who was beaten to a pulp with hammers in Gurgaon the other day for carrying buffalo meat, which is legal: it can also happen to me the next time I pick up my favourite kababs from Meatz. Secondly, I am no apostle or faithful of the Congress party and  have not voted for it in the last decade. In 2014 I was conned by the P.T.Barnum type showmanship of Mr. Modi; in 2019 I was again taken for a ride, this time by the chameleon- hued Kejriwal who is yet to figure out whether he is a nationalist fish or a liberal fowl.  (He needs to make up his mind soon because right now he is beginning to look like a poorly xeroxed copy of Nitish Kumar, and we know what happens to blurred copies- they end up in the waste bin.).
  Nor am I a Rahul Gandhi acolyte or camp follower; in fact I dislike his vacillation on critical issues, I thoroughly disapprove of his WFH ( work from home) approach to politics even before the pandemic made this popular, I am frustrated by his "will he- won't he?" attitude to the Presidentship of the party, I am puzzled by his strategy of trying to be all things to all men, which is obviously not working, at times I am even incensed at his inability to strike a chord with other opposition parties, and even his own colleagues. The astute reader would have noticed by now that I find a lot of faults in Mr. Gandhi.
   And yet today, when India is perched on the precipice of an unthinkable abyss, I admire him and the lonely courage he has been displaying even as the "rough beast" of the Second Coming slouches ever  closer. Courage, because it is displayed in the face of "Pappu" memes by Whatsapp boneheads, courage despite being the derisory butt of jokes in Delhi's fashionable salons, the prime time whipping boy of auctioned anchors, the single-point target of the BJP- and yet he has held his course and has not taken his eyes off the ball, a ball which has been tampered beyond recognition by an authoritarian govt under the watch of an umpire in judicial robes which too are beginning to fray.
  I doubt if any political figure in recent times has been calumnified and vilified so much, with so little justification and such pronounced double standards. When the BJP loses an election it is the party's fault, but when the Congress loses one it is Rahul Gandhi's fault. Mr Modi can flaunt a tilak on his forehead but Rahul Gandhi cannot wear his janau on his shoulder. Mr. Modi as Chief Minister could raise questions on the country's security but Mr. Gandhi as leader of the largest opposition party cannot. Just about every political party in India is headed by a "dynast", or is crawling with them, but only Rahul Gandhi is singled out for condemnation. The BJP is no exception to dynastic urges either, it's just that it has not been in power long enough: give it another term and it too will fully conform to the golden rule of our politics- that politics is not public service, it's just another business, and like all businesses succession should always be from within the family. No, sir, the reason the BJP has sold the dynast theory to the media is simply this: the Congress, even in this, its darkest hour, still has a committed vote bank of 20% which must be prised away from the Gandhis to secure the Hindu rashtra. The other parties are small fry, not one of them has even 5% vote share.
  For the fact, unpalatable to many in the media, the elite and the brain-washed multitudes is that the only Opposition in India today is Rahul Gandhi. All the other so-called opposition " leaders" ( the Mayawatis, Naidus and Akhilesh Yadavs) have gone to ground, hoping to make themselves invisible to the ED, CBI and Income Tax chaps. Some of the others ( like Sharad Pawar, YSR and KCR) have either kept their back doors open for a quick exit to the BJP when the hounds get too close, or are too busy dousing their own kitchen fires, like Mamta Bannerjee, or have buried their heads in the sands playing dead, like Navin Patnaik. No one else speaks about, or questions the government on, the visceral issues that are tearing this country apart: the iron curtain drawn around Kashmir, police excesses, CAA, the Delhi riots, the desecration of universities, the mishandling of the pandemic, the destruction of all constitutional institutions, the environmental vandalism of the proposed new EIA, the sorry state of our higher judiciary, the auction of public properties to selected cronies, the capitulation to China in Ladakh and elsewhere, the brazen lying on every subject? The  silence of the Opposition parties is only emboldening a dispensation which genetically cannot have any respect for any other point of view, and is contemptuous of the public's right to be informed.
   One of the biggest casualties of political intercourse in these last few years has been the language in which politicians conduct it- full of hatred, anger, contempt and abuse. Mr. Gandhi has brought a certain decency and civility to the political discourse, in manner, conduct and language, qualities to which the ruling party and its spokesmen are total strangers. We may not agree with what he is saying but we cannot fault him for the manner in which he speaks.  
  This is not to say that every question raised, or every inference drawn, by Mr. Gandhi is correct or justified. It is to emphasise that he is the only one at least asking the questions, who is not maintaining an opportunistic silence, and for this I am prepared to walk the extra mile to forget, if not forgive, his many real and imagined deficiencies. His is the only voice to remind us of all of that is going horribly wrong in our country, and to caution the government and the voter. It is axiomatic that for a democracy a strong government is optional, but a strong Opposition is essential. Democracy can live with a weak govt. and a strong Opposition, but it will not long survive a strong govt. and a weak Opposition. It is not my argument for a moment that Mr. Modi should be condemned, my argument is that he should be held accountable and asked questions, whether or not he deigns to answer them. To the extent that Mr. Gandhi is at least attempting to do so, he is discharging his dharma as an opposition politician while the others are cowering in their well padded dens. For this he should be commended, not vilified or mocked.                                                                 History is usually a reliable guide to the shape of things to come, if only we would pay attention to it and tear ourselves away from those ubiquitous Whatsapp forwards. Turn back the pages of history to this extract from perhaps the most authoritative book on the fall of the Weimar Republic in Germany in the 1930s and the events leading up to the Second World War, THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH, by William Shirer:

   " No class or group or party in Germany could escape its share of responsibility for the abandonment of the democratic Republic .......... The cardinal error of the Germans who opposed Nazism was their failure to unite against it. At the crest of their popular strength in July 1932, the National Socialists had attained but 37 percent of the vote. But the 63 percent of the German people who expressed their opposition to (it) were much too divided and shortsighted to combine against a common danger which they must have known would overwhelm them unless they united, however temporarily, to stamp them out."

Do the vote percentages ring a bell, dear reader?


  1. “Do the vote percentages ring a bell,” yes it does and here lies the destiny of this unfortunate nation. Do we have a choice, yes we have but we need to open our minds whose keys perhaps we have thrown away in pure imagery thinking that there are no such thing as political manipulators who are waiting in the wings to come out and claim their solemn right to manipulate and enslave 1.3 crore of people, for good? Having said that, it must be registered one’s total and absolute appreciation of a piece which is full of clarity, in fact a clarion call, which is required to be implemented in absolute commitment, to the survival of this unfortunate nation.

  2. The rough beast is walking. It is indeed slouching ever closer. Yeats left it at that but in research he encouraged reference to St. John's Revelation. The most telling narrative of which is as completely similar to our own mythic history. And the miracle of the oneness of Man.

    [an aside - While Ram's avatar is more 'mariyada'- he of the great qualities, the eternal victim of human evil; conquering all with graciousness and even in battle a reluctant victor, who for all his perfection, was found wanting].

    The real music and its silence behind the theatre of the universe belongs to He of the unbounded; of neither beginning nor end; of light beyond all darkness; the unfailing harbinger of peace; sole owner of forgiveness and compassion. In India most of us refer to him as Mahadev.
    Elsewhere we have called him God, Father, the Almighty, Allah, Iqbal, The One, Prabhu, Ishwar, The Great Spirit, Our Lord. And more.
    The similarity is this - that evil too must be allowed to exist. Only then can it be consigned.

  3. And RG is willing to face the media and take on questions.Yes,his polite demeanour speaks volumes for his upbringing! And there are no unending PR stunts.He better represents the youth of our country.

  4. I am so glad someone pointed this out about RG in spite of all his detractors. I completely agree.

  5. Fully agree that if there is one person in today's dismal scenario who has and can continue to stand up to the Modi-Amit Shah juggernaut, it is RG. And among all the potential / contemporary leaders on the horizon, it appears quite certain that RG will have the last laugh!

    1. It is better he do not wear a cross belt as people feel being the son of a roman catholic and grand son of maimoona beegum he cant wear the co called janue. Let his learn about the complexity of the country and appreciate all religions

  6. Beautiful English, peppered with interesting quotes stylishly presented do not change the facts. Mr. Shukla is living in a fantasy world.

    Yes it is the disrespected masses, who feel they finally have a leadership
    closely aligned with their aspirations that they are willing to overlook shortcomings and mistakes, because they trust Modi.

    Modi talks as Modi on the basis of his own achievements. Rahul Gandhi has achieved nothing and therefore his words will never be trusted except by his paid cronies.

  7. The best lack all conviction, while the worst. Are full of passionate intensity. 
    We are too complacent in our comfort zones to oppose anything or anyone

  8. "The best lack all conviction, while the worst. Are full of passionate intensity". 
    We are too complacent in our comfort zones to oppose anything or anyone

  9. I agree that a vibrant democracy can only thrive in the medium of strong opposition. RG should at least understand that he is fighting a battle of un-equals and the necessity and urgency of mustering support of some clean hands having experience of political warfare.

  10. Rahul Gandhi's illiterate style of shooting from the hip - and that too with a blunderbuss - at every action of the Modi government is no substitute for meaningful and reasoned criticism by a responsible opposition leader. It only buttresses his image as a buffoon and redounds to the advantage of the current BJP establishment.
    To accept Rahul Gandhi as the only voice in the opposition is tacit admission of the intellectual bankruptcy of the wilderness that it is.

  11. I agree with everything except the part on Kejriwal. He is astute, biding his time. Right now, as the CM of a quarter state ruled in large measure by the brute majority of the Central ruling party, he cannot and should not take them headlong. He needs to appear to go along. He understands the time like no other and that is the art of astuteness. In my view he is the future and I have no doubt that his time will come. For starters watch this space on the forthcoming Punjab elections.

  12. Countries have learnt their lessons regarding 3rd Reich and Hitler. We are safe with parties who win their mandate by winning votes of the majority community because no political leader in the next 500 years will go that route. However, Hitler like tendencies and also Hitler like mass murder is happening on this very day in areas of the world affected by ISIS ideology and that is why, India's majority community has to be forever on guard against Rahil Gandhi, who is otherwise a very nice person.
