Friday 9 June 2023


  Mr. Modi is the original fisherman when it comes to hawking red, now saffron, herrings. Which is why the CBI inquiry into the Balasore train accident smells so fishy. Could the government not have waited for at least the findings of the investigation by the Commissioner Railway Safety before ordering the inquiry? Suppose this report finds that it was a signal failure, or an interlocking defect, or a human error? The CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) rarely manages to catch even a common burglar, how then can it wrap its head around some of the most sophisticated and technical electronics involved in this derailment? It is only if the Railway inquiry concludes that it suspects sabotage that the police is justified in stepping in. There has been no such indication yet.                   .

  But the government appears to have made up its mind to play the national security card quite early. (It is the only card it has left in its deck after the Hindutva and Vishwaguru cards were trumped in the Karnataka elections, so a Balasore will serve as well as a Balakot, thank you!). The clues were there for the observant: when Mr. Modi visited the site, he said the guilty would not be spared and would be dealt with harshly- how did he know that there was any deliberate guilt or mens-rea involved ? Then again, on the day after the accident the Railway Minister told the press that the root cause of the accident and the people involved had been identified- this, even before the inquiry had commenced! 

  There is, moreover, another angle involved in this decision. By ordering the CBI inquiry the BJP has ensured that the matter is out of the hands of the state, or Railway police, and it can influence the investigations and findings any which way it wants. It's a trick it has played quite often in the past, with fairly good (for it) results. It will not want to be embarrassed so close to the crucial state elections. And it still has the NIA (National Investigation Agency) card up its sleeve in case the CBI does not deliver the goods. So, folks, expect a terrorist or Pakistan hand to emerge from this mess very soon.

  What is actually needed, but will never happen, is a judicial inquiry. An accident of this magnitude, involving three trains and resulting in 288 deaths (at last count) and more than a thousand injured, cannot be a stand-alone incident, it is the culmination of various causes and failures, and it is important to identify each one of them so that such a catastrophe does not happen again. The country is entitled to know whether the following has contributed in any way to the accident: drastic reduction in the budget for safety, including signaling systems and track maintenance (the budget for track renewals alone was slashed by Rs.3222 crores in 2022-23 as compared to the previous fiscal); shortage of staff at all levels, which according to media reports is as high as 20% of the sanctioned strength; outsourcing of crucial functions to private entities; excessive concentration on elite trains like the Vande Bharat even when funds are denied for routine operations and maintenance; overloading of tracks by running trains without regard to the safe carrying capacity of the entire system or convenience of lower class passengers (an RTI [Right to Information] query has revealed that between April and October 2022, the cumulative delays of passenger trains amounted to more than 24 years!). Earlier, some focus could be kept on these issues when the Railway budget was presented in Parliament, but now that this government has merged the Railway budget with the general budget it is difficult to penetrate through this deliberate wall of opacity. Neither a CBI inquiry, nor one by the Commissioner for Railway Safety, can be expected to look into these issues, only a judicial inquiry with a broad Terms of Reference is capable of doing so. The demand for such an inquiry is not politicisation of the issue, it is at best an inadequate reparation for those who have died, and for their devastated families. 

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  Mr Vishnaw, the Railway Minister, will be sacked anon. But not for the reasons you suspect. Let me give you a clue by narrating an incident concerning Winston Churchill when he was Prime Minister of  U.K. One smoggy London morning a senior Tory M.P. described the PM as an idiot at a press conference. He was promptly issued a disciplinary notice by the party and the matter came up for mention in Parliament the next day. Why was the government trying to curb free speech by punishing the Member, the Opposition demanded? Churchill got up and explained that the MP was being proceeded against, not for expressing his opinion about him, but for revealing a state secret!

  Get it? Mr. Vaishnaw will have to go, not for moral responsibility reasons, but for trying to upstage Mr. Modi in the TV visual stakes. We all remember those carefully choreographed shots of the Minister crawling out from under a wrecked carriage (getting to the bottom of the matter?) or sitting exhausted on a parapet with the hoi polloi after a hard day's night, in the same soiled slacks and tee shirt, or atop a carriage inspecting the overhead cables. How could he? This is Supreme Leader territory, intruding on the spotlight is a capital offence. So the Railway Minister must go, not because three trains crashed into each other, but because a dozen cameras were focused on the wrong guy. Even though he did not change his clothes between shots.

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  It now appears inevitable that Mr. Sachin Pilot will be severing relations with the Congress next week, according to all media reports. Frankly, I am relieved because this soap opera has been going on now for longer than the "Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi" serial, and one is sick and tired of it. He belongs to a breed of entitled politicians who believe that they are bigger than the party and deserve a better compensation package, never mind if their company is deep in the red and is fighting for sheer survival. If their actions shove the nation a little closer to the dogs, so be it: it will not affect their life styles in any way- in fact it might make them even better, what with some handouts from the burgeoning Electoral Bonds in the BJP coffers. The Congress should let Mr. Pilot go- cut its losses now and re-strategise, rather than face a last minute crisis just before the state elections this year. A Judas will never reform. Look at Mr. Pilot's illustrious predecessors in betrayal- Amarinder Singh, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Ghulam Nabhi Azad; two of them are already non-entities and just unpleasant memories, the third will become one too after the elections. Mr. Pilot's departure may result in the Congress losing a few seats, but that would have happened anyway with the privileged scion putting up rebel candidates to counter the official ones. Now at least Mr. Kharge and Gehlot can fight the elections without having to constantly worry about the knife between the shoulder blades. The secret of handling excess baggage is to throw it out quickly. As the Bard said: Stand not upon the order of your going, sir, but go!


  1. Sir,

    As usual, I enjoyed today's post immensely. I'd like to mention just one thing:

    As you might be aware, for some bizarre reason, the Commissioner of Railway Safety is placed under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. The oversight of CRS by MoCA is lackadaisical, to say the least. Since they don't come under the Railways either, they tend to sit in a quiet corner in MoCA meetings, more to be seen rather than heard and produce reports which hardly anyone reads. I became aware of their existence only in my third year under MoCA.

    Apparently, the system was started in the mists of time for the ostensible purpose of autonomy and objective detachment. By that logic, the safety wings of aviation should've been under Min of Railways or some other Ministry but that's not so. Both DGCA and Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau are squarely under MCA. A systemic and comprehensive review of the whole railway safety system seems called for.

  2. On Balasore going the Balakot way - could well happen. The BJP needs an event to recoup, re-energise and re-venomise after the Karnataka drubbing, despite the Prime Minister campaigning personally and resorting to divisive tactic at the fag end, by accusing the Congress of attempting to secede Karnataka from the rest of India. Anybody else from a non-BJP affiliation might have had UAPA clamped upon him/her. With under a year to go, the BJP may well use Balasore to concoct dazzling revelations unearthing fictitious conspiracies and spectral machinations.

    On Vaishnaw - right again. Nobody can grab attention over Narendra Modi however extenuating the situation. Even when the peacock was being fondled by him during the lockdown, the frame tried focussing on Modi and his beatific smile. The bird was a fretful but unavoidable tenant.

    On Sachin Pilot - the aggressive recommendation of releasing him is most baffling. At a time when the Congress is on a high having won a vital state election and has broadened its footprint of being the Opposition-in-Chief to the BJP, the last it needs is another established faithful exiting with rancour. To label him 'entitled' is only stamping derision vicariously on Rahul Gandhi, music to the ears of the Parivar. The Congress needs to latch on to its dependables and bolster them with hope in order to nurture mutual aspirations. For once it seems to be doing that with Sachin Pilot. What unfolds on the 11th June is anybody's guess, but one would not like to see another young second generation Congressman unhitch himself from the party. The re-influx of Sanjay Jha is perhaps a healthier restitution than the decamping of Sachin Pilot.

  3. Upstage the 'emperor'!??
    Oh no! There simply HAS to be some under devious strategy at play here.
    On an aside to which, this accident (the raucous ranters will likely tear their hair out labelling this as some railway jihad) has probably inconvenienced the next green flag being waved to send another train on it's way?

  4. On the topic of Sachin Pilot:

    I fully agree with you. Yes, the whole nation is sick and tired of this drama. Congress party is Gandhi family and Gandhi family is Congress party. Entitled politicians like Sachin Pilot are no match to politicians who earned their place in the party with sheer hard work and dedication like Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi. Nobody can be bigger than the family which brought us the independence. I can't understand why they are taking so long to get rid of Pilot. We should not be afraid of creating another regional party which can damage Congress or him joining BJP. It is just not Amarinder Singh, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Ghulam Nabhi Azad; we also created Mamta Benarjee, Sharad Pawar, HBS, Biren Singh and many other politicians, but it was necessary to protect the sanctity of the family and party.

    We should fight the elections under the name of Kharge, Gehlot and after Congress wins 2024 elections, Congress presidency should go back to Rahul Gandhi where it rightfully belongs.

    1. Are you being facetious? Was your post meant to be tongue in cheek?
      If it was, then the fact that neither Rahul nor Priyanka have vied for and monopolized power within the party is true. They have, to their defense, done all they can to be away from the center of authority, Alas! Their tireless efforts to revive a party that seems to be on the brink of political oblivion are not appreciated. Regardless, they continue to plough on selflessly, as their illustrious ancestors before them did.

  5. The especial complement to these blogs (can't stand the word though - it's like how this government tries to cut everyone down to size so that they don't need to look up - so blog - as in dumb me down!) - The great complement compliment is that the quality of readership and comments thereby rarely, rarely descend to the level of the street. But in fact are often inspirational in their own right.
    But here's a bit of euphoria to p***everyone off -
    (1) 70plus years as a democracy is still very new. A young mother we might say. (2) However, it's enough time to learn valuable lessons and have the courage to espouse the cause of reforms.
    (3) Our representations are oxymoronic. (4) A political party is not representative, its people are. And that being the case, accountability can be a harsh reality for the culpable.
    (5) Like some of our not so revered newspapers let me leave you with an irritating itch

    1. Sir kehna kya chahte ho?
      I took Mr. Shukla's advice and tried unravelling your post after emptying a decanter of single malt. I have lost liquor and lucre both yet the figuring-out eludes me.
      Dumb it down please.

  6. CBI inquiry blew the gaff of govt/PM intentions.

    1. Master Mariner Sir Ji, please explain for benefit of those with slowing comprehension. No ill will I assure you. Just a benign and uncontrolled shaking of the head, an apologetic smile and the validity of the senile.
