Friday 2 June 2023


  It's been a bad week for me, educative but disheartening, and I need to get it off my less than 56 inch chest. It began with a tweet by a retired DGP of the Kerala police, a Billy-the Kid type whose Twitter handle says he comes out "with all guns firing" in the defense of Hindus. He can't, of course, be bothered to explain why a community with an 82% majority population needs any protection (except from its own self-appointed leaders). Be that as it may, he goes on to tell our protesting wrestlers (whom he describes as "garbage"), that they can be shot with impunity and that he looks forward to seeing them on the post-mortem table. How this gentleman ever came to head a police force tells us a lot about how the law is enforced in India, but more important, it tells us even more about the state of the Indian society today. I'll come to that later.

  My second screamer of the week arrived via a close friend and retired colleague (from another service) who expressed the view that our lady wrestlers deserved all they got at the hands of the Delhi police. Refusing to express any empathy for them, he offered the explanation that actually their protest was a well planned strategy to enter politics in the 2024 elections. You see, he told me, they are all nearing 30 years, wrestling is a very competitive sport, and they have to now look for alternative vocations. Now, I was aware that this gentlemen was a Modi and BJP acolyte, but I had no idea that he had become so dehumanised by his political preferences that he would go to the extent of ridiculing victims of sexual depravation and wishing violence on them.

  The week of despair was nicely rounded off at a lunch I attended in Shimla at a friend's hotel. The folks at my table were all pillars of society- landed gentry, businessmen, a retired army officer and their wives. Tucking into their prawn cocktails and onion consomme, they were unanimous in their conviction that the Indian economy had never done better, that corporate bottom lines looked better than Jennifer Lopez's bottom, er, lines, and that those who criticized Modi should be hanged from the nearest deodar tree- if one could find a deodar tree in Shimla, that is. They dismissed inflation, unemployment, unequal income distribution, and poverty ratios as leftist propaganda meant to denigrate Mr. Modi.

  Do you see a pattern in these three anecdotal instances of the Naya Bharat? I do, and what they tell me is that India is being let down by its elite, its educated, well-off, urbanites, the 10% of the population who have cornered 75% of its wealth and control all the levers of power- the bureaucracy, the defense forces, its economy, its institutions of education, culture and sports, it media. They comprise the new East India Company , and their only concern is to preserve (and enhance) their own wealth, protect their own gated community life styles, retain their political relevance and their grip on power and policy making. They cannot be bothered with the remaining 90% of India which lives outside their privileged cantonments. This had evinced itself during the Covid years, which we mistakenly thought was an aberration, but has now become the very essence of our societal character.

  Which is why I see the current phase as one of post-Independence colonisation- but this time by our own indigenous, home grown politicians, capitalists, bureaucracy and social elite mentioned above. All the features of colonisation exist in abundance- a govt. which is arrogantly deaf to the public's demands, interests and even protests, a police as brutal as the pre-Independence force, laws which are bent to suit the ruling interest and personalities, the pillaging of natural resources to benefit a few individuals, the displacement of tribals and indigenous people on a huge scale (the project in the Andamans being the latest example of such rapaciousness), the jailing of dissidents on the flimsiest of pretexts. The Covid period provided perhaps the surest proof of this: while 75 million people were pushed into poverty, the number of billionaires rose from 102 to 142, and their wealth doubled to 720 billion dollars. The Gini co-efficient ( an internationally accepted indicator of inequality) rose from 74.7 in 2000 to 80.3 in 2021. We rank 123 out of 160 countries in the Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index. And here is the final proof of our second colonisation: just like the British took the wealth extracted from India back to their country, so do the present colonisers- it is estimated that anything between US$ 500 billion  to US$ 4 trillion has been stashed away abroad by these Indians! 

  Presiding over this phase in our history of exploitation by the elite is Mr. Modi, who, incidentally, was crowned Bharat Samrat at the very moment we were having the lunch mentioned above and the sports persons were being brutalised by the Delhi police two hundred meters away. Because Mr. Modi too cannot be bothered by the minor nuisances of female Olympians being beaten up by his police, tribals being murdered in a distant state, farmers protesting for months on the streets, minors being raped in Kathua and Hathras by ideological bed-fellows. This govt. serves only the interests of the Directors and share holders of the new East India Company, whether it is by the ruthless denudation of precious natural capital/ resources, or a hypocritical foreign policy that ensures cheap Russian oil for buddies to reap whirlwind profits, or bank loans for those cronies who are not into oil. And, just in case the lucre is not enough to ensure everlasting loyalty, there is the additional super glue of religion, or more accurately, the rehashed brand of Hindutva.

  Which is why the format of the inauguration of the new Parliament building on the 28th of May was a perfect symbol for the new elite: the extravagance of Rs. 1200 crores on a new corporate headquarters of the ruling party, the blatant ritualistic domination of one religion, the pomp and show of a defacto transfer of power from a collective to one individual, the protection afforded to one individual while his victims were being brutalised outside. All pretences of democracy, of participation by the people in government beyond the ritual of casting their votes, of the rule of law or constitutional propriety, have been dropped. We shall now be ruled (not governed) by a coterie and its enthusiastic cheer-leaders, that 10% elite comprising the likes of you and me and ours. Seventy five years of political and social progress has just been flushed down the Yamuna like so much e-coli. 

  One cannot but be reminded of an earlier era, 1804 to be exact, when a French Emperor crowned himself, taking the crown from the Pope (Pius the Seventh) and placing it on his own head. The message was that he did not owe his victory and ascension to anybody, to any Constitution or convention; he had earned it by his own efforts and therefore did not have to share power with anybody. The Pope stood by quietly. Sounds familiar ? History does repeat itself, but whether as tragedy or farce, only time will tell.



  1. all indian police servants don't head the constabulary of their cadre state; apparently in uttar pradesh's police corps there are around 150 belonging to the all india service and of these a full 80 are in the director general grade.
    the all india services, group A central services are without doubt the most successful trades union in post modern indiya. certainly, some pigs are more equal than others. your service offers the privilege of the government servant, spouse, dependents receiving medical treatment at the best hospitals across the world and no they don't exercise this option by traveling to havana, but like comrade pinarayi vijayan has enjoyed on more than one occasion, these extra-ordinary medical attendance rules are invoked for a trip to the mayo clinic in yankeestan.
    surely it is not the case that the privilege and patronage cottage industry saw fruition only as recently as 2014. nor that young men and women investing years of toil, and huge sums of money to attend crammers, in many instances failing the IAS and allied services, civil services examinations repeatedly, three, four times until they succeed are motivated by lofty ideals of public service. babus have been making serious money for it seems ever. even thirty years ago the number of joint secretaries who had sons, daughters attending elite, and expensive ivy league 'schools' was a scandal. fifty years ago, the exclusive, members only, discotheque at the oberoi intercontinental luxury hotel in new delhi, tabela, had more babubachchas on the dance floor than the children of upper bourgeois. ditto for faujis, many of whom were sons of retired havildars, subedars securing a place at the sainik, military schools earmarked for sepoys and other ranks, but by the time their officer corps sons superannuated, put out to grass at the delhi polo club, gymkhana, golf club, would have you understand that they were to manor born, landed gentry, yeomanry.
    let us not forget that jawaharlal nehru had as his propaganda minister a rabid hindutwit who among many achievements banned the tabla from all india radio, akashvani observing them islamic. he lasted for 12 years and obviously chacha nehru found him a valuable member of his cabinet. it was the same jawaharlal nehru whose administration established india's first concentration camp in deoli, rajasthan. living off the fat of the land has been the norm for the successful few from the parasite castes, communities. as the polyester prince documents, but for babus with sticky fingers the chambers of commerce would be short of many of their most recent success stories. the english east india company established itself and remained in power for 200 years with the active collaboration, cooperation of entrepreneurial natives; rent seeking, rent farming is what we do best.

  2. "After the Mass was finished, the Pope retired to the Sacristy, as he objected to presiding over or witnessing the civil oath that followed, due to its contents. With his hands on the Bible, Napoleon took the oath:
    I swear to maintain the integrity of the territory of the Republic, to respect and enforce respect for the Concordat and freedom of religion, equality of rights, political and civil liberty, the irrevocability of the sale of national lands; not to raise any tax except in virtue of the law; to maintain the institution of Legion of Honour and to govern in the sole interest, happiness and glory of the French people."

  3. Photo-bombing we are aware of...can this be called blog-bombing...? Why does the bomber seem to have a deep and pathological dislike for all the civil services, one is mystified.

  4. The remarks of your friends are indicative of what I have come to believe viz Fascism has taken a deep root among the upper classes. If I could see you, I would see anxiety and despair writ large. Fortunately, these people represent a small percentage of the population. If they were as ubiquitous as we feared them to be, the results in Karnataka would not have been what they turned out to be. As Naseeruddin Shah, a very erudite man remarked recently, fatigue will set in. People, and I mean the less privileged ones will stop swallowing the diet of hatred that they are being profusely fed with. Till that happens, I for one will hope and pray that things will not get any worse.

  5. in the last three elections for karnataka, viz 2023, '18, and '13, the turnout stood at a steady 71 percent. and in both '23 and '18 the nationalist socialists [BJP] secured 36 percent of the votes cast; no change. indian nationalists [INC] managed 38 percent in '18 and in '23 increased their vote-share to 43 percent. this increase matches with the socialists [JD] change from 18 percent in 2018 to 13 percent in 2023. this puts paid to the now common wisdom that there has been a swing away from bhajaapaa; and questions whether there had ever been an over-whelming mandate for the hindutwits. remember, 36 percent of 71 percent turnout translates to 26 percent, so effectively 74 percent of the electorate did not cast a vote for the bhajapaa. all that they managed and continue to manage is the 'pareto ratio' plus 6 percent.

    interestingly enough,in both the 1951-52 elections and the 2014 elections, the winning parties, INC and BJP respectively, managed to secure the support of an identical percentage of the electorate, viz. 20.11 percent, 20.6 percent. almost 80 percent of the electorate did not vote for the jawaharlal nehru's party or narendrabhai's. which raises the serious question whether jawaharlal nehru had the mandate of the people to push through his first amendment, he did not have the mandate to reduce, degrade any of the fundamental rights into constitutional rights, as he did with the first amendment. to turn chapter 2 of the constitution of india, fundamental rights, into nothing more that 'constitutional rights'. fundamental rights are inalienable rights that protect, privilege, the citizen from even the government; international jurisprudence terms these as universal human rights. constitutional rights are rights guaranteed by the constitution and these can be altered, varied to the disadvantage of the people with an amendment to the constitution. free speech is a fundamental right, the right to a passport is a constitutional right. as you know, chacha nehru even brought back sedition with his first amendment. the british parliament's bill of rights, 1689, protects free speech in that country. as does the bill of rights that are an integral part of the original, initial US of A constitution by protecting free speech [first amendment]. in both instances governments, or parliaments [congress] may not, shall not, will not cross the line. in the case of india, with the first amendment act, 1951, free speech and many other fundamental rights were turned into constitutional rights, viz. 'conditions apply'.
    fundamental rights are quintessential whiggism, rights that protect a citizen from oppression by the 'state'; constitutional rights being rights that are given by the state, temporal, can be altered according to circumstance.

  6. Excellent piece. Would prefer to call them the West India Company with the major difference between the two being in this avatar the Sovereign does the company's bidding.

  7. The "Hindutwit" who made the despicable remark about the wrestlers nearing the end of their careers and therefore resorting to this agitation as a prequel to entering politics - how does he account for one of them being a minor?

    The upper crust have hitched their wagon to the BJP's, with or without an option. Not that most really object to it. The stupendous amount of wealth they have made has enfeebled them of any inner resistance to the infractions of this regime or its leader.
    The hoi polloi and the strugglers have been kept overdosed on Hindutva as the intoxicant; on false promises of an Amritkaal and narratives of persecution through historical periods.
    While the affluent are impervious to it all, the impoverished are kept high on hostility, ready to boil over at the instruction from a uniformist leader.
    This dual and parallel strategy must be called out by all in order for this regime to be laid bare.
    One senses the polity may be coming round, slowly. Will 2024 be time enough for the realisation to sink in? Is there a leader on the horizon who can make the upper crust clear its eyesight (or lack of it), as well as give hope to the unseeing masses inebriated on hate?

  8. I love reading your blogs. Some intelligentsia has able to keep afloat, not letting itself drowned in Modi-Tsunami. Their faculties being strong to withstand the brainwashing-Machine in full throttle.
    It's pitty that large section of our intelligentsia has fallen prey to the gimmicks of Modi ji and his work force

    1. sir, we still can have hope the intelligentsia in Karnataka are awake, the recent results have proved . Modi gimmicks did not work here. let this make other states stand strong to resist Modi tsunami.

  9. Avay You should come to Twitter😄

  10. Greetings, Avay Sir. I've been reading your blog on and off for over a year and I really admire your sheer tenacity and targeted criticism towards the Modi government and just about anything that troubles India as a nation today. As a civil services aspirant and daughter of two retired civil servants, I solemnly value all that you have to say because I know it comes from a place of honesty and real-time experience. From the topics you choose to expand on to the personal anecdotes you so bravely share, I really appreciate the thinker and writer in you. Good Sir, you're a beacon of hope amidst a cesspool of mindless sheep. Thank you for your service and now this hard-hitting blog, most certainly keep going! :)

  11. As usual brilliant. The point is relevant. The key difference is elections. If the suffering vast majority could be mobilised the lesson can be taught.

  12. 1. It is a fallacy to think that the 'plebians' adore The leader for the same reason as the '10% elites'. Elites interact only with their own kind and deduce that every citizen shares the reasoning that they adopt. This is the 'availablity bias' of human mind - fabulously explained by Daniel Kahneman. Unless one sees the true cause, ill can not be remedied.
    2. Obsequious, spineless, and self-serving conduct of civil servants doesn't generate veneration. There are many exceptions but an organisation is known by its masses. I do not know why this common perception should invite disdain.
