Tuesday 5 March 2024




This is my latest book, published by Author's Upfront/ Paranjoy on 24th Feb.2024. Available on AMAZON, in paperback and Kindle versions. An international edition is also available.

DISAPPEARING DEMOCRACY is, in a way, a continuation of my earlier book, THE WASTED YEARS (published in 2021), and takes off from where the latter had ended. It covers the period from June 2021 to November 2023, and is a collection of my articles, blogs and opinion pieces on various subjects of current interest.

The pieces in this book are my take on political, legal, economic and societal issues engaging the attention of the nation at the time. I write, not as a domain expert or as an investigative journalist, but as an averagely well informed (I hope!) citizen alarmed at the cataclysmic changes that have been taking place to the country's painstakingly carved structure, something we all had taken for granted but now find is all too fragile. To quote Lord Byron from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: 

"A thousand years scarce serve to form a state,                                                                                              An hour may lay it in the dust."

It is that hour I speak about.

Our nation state is being dismantled before our eyes, its nuts and bolts being taken apart-the judiciary, civil services, constitutional bodies, media, NGOs, armed forces, even our history and culture- to serve the interests of an exclusionary ideology. What is perhaps most disturbing, however, is the dismantling of our once tolerant, proudly diverse and joyously inclusive society. It has now become dangerously brutalised, indifferent to wrongs and excesses, it has lost its voice and conscience. All other components of a state can be repaired and fixed when an enlightened leadership replaces an old one, but there is no anti-venom for a poisoned society. It can only perish, taking with it thousands of years of civilisation. If there is one lesson that history teaches us, it is this.

This book is an attempt to record these developments, in real time and not in hindsight: the date of each of the 47 chapters in the book is indicated to provide it context for a better understanding of the circumstances surrounding it. But if there is one paramount message I wish to convey, it is that the future of a nation is too important to be left to politicians, bureaucrats, so-called experts, Big Capital and the media. The ordinary citizen- you and I- have to get involved and to take centre-stage and speak out. For when public conscience and opinion die, so does democracy.



  1. With millions amongst our demographic dividend, including so many of the so called 'educated', tamely turned into nose-driven 'bhakts' , bereft of basic critical facilities, it is hoped that this latest book by Avay Shukla can ignite the much needed debate that will bring the mandate to steer our future back into the minds and hands of 'ordinary' people. Compromised democracy notwithstanding.


  2. It is a perfect quote for the situation in India. "A thousand years scarce serve to form a state; an hour may lay it in the dust."
    I am looking forward to buying the book and reading a few chapters.

    I hope someone can make a movie about the effects of dismantling each aspect of democracy. How does it matter to the average man or a woman? The film should showcase the happy days of pluralistic existence before Modi's time and encourage people not to buy into hatred. Happiness multiplies when we don't have gratuitous conflicts.

    How can the opposition in India come up with an emotional item to earn the support of the masses? Rahul can earn that, but his Yatra should connect him with the average Indian- not sure if it is happening. What can the public get attached to Rahul?

    Last night, I watched different news channels in Washington, DC, and my soul sank at what is happening in the US. Trump will win the elections; he is appealing to the populace's base instincts, and the white supremacists are emotionally bonded to him, just as Modi bhakts are bonded to him. On the other hand, Biden is a murderer and went against the resolutions of 191 nations to cease fire. He should be held accountable for 30,000 avoidable deaths.

    At least in India, we have the opposition looking to restore and strengthen democratic institutions; in the US, the democratic party is loaded with Gandus who cannot speak up.


  3. DISAPPEARING DEMOCRACY is a culled out spiel of Avay Shukla’s more serious contemplations, protracting his deep concern about the steamrolling of the nation’s Constitutional guarantees to its citizens. At the hands of a government engaged principally in furthering its set religious narrative. Aided by a mesmerised polity that appears comatosed by the majoritarian and uniformist tincture thrust down its gullet.

    I purchased the Kindle version and expectedly, the anthologised binding of his reflections conveys more intensity when contrasted with the siloed, single-blog deliberations that I recall. The book renders his perturb far more continually because it spaces itself over the period post the pandemic to the approaching election. It provides a panoramic insight to his concerns instead of them appearing like fragmented ponderings blogged periodically.

    The Opposition, particularly the Congress, has noticeably been spared the diatribes in Mr. Shukla’s compilation. This third leg of the political tripod - the government and the polity being the first two - has been most fragile, fractious and infirm in presenting a pushback to the railroading by this regime. Perhaps he is hopeful of it resurrecting itself still.

    DISAPPEARING DEMOCRACY is a penetrative narration worthy of examination by those concerned about the demographic depletion in the current times. And a caveat-sounder to those who are hitherto untouched by the authoritarian diktats of an expansionist dispensation.

  4. "For when public conscience and opinion die, so does democracy." Yes but still some expert organizers are required to create a channel to elicit and collect public opinion on a continuous basis.
