Thursday 22 August 2024


 In the reasoning of most right thinking people who are alarmed at the direction in which the BJP is taking the country the primary validity and defendability of the TMC govt. in West Bengal stems from its proven ability to keep the BJP at bay in that state. Mamata Banerjee has done this for the last ten years, with a tenacity and courage no other Chief Minister has demonstrated, with remarkable success, humbling the saffron party (and the Prime Minister personally) time and again. In the process, however, she has been literally playing with fire, inching ever closer to the red lines of  constitutional permissibility , skirting the boundaries of what is, or is not, permissible in a liberal democracy.

Granted that the BJP govt. at the centre has been relentless in its assault on the federal structure of the country, in particular on Bengal. Granted also that it takes an anti-venom to fight the venom, a controlled fire to combat the forest fire. But these counter measures have to be carefully calibrated in order to ensure that the medicine does not become worse than the disease itself. Ms Banerjee, unfortunately, appears to lack this administrative skill and does not know when to stop or to change course. Her failure is gradually erasing the difference between her and the BJP, she is proving true someone's remark that "Mamata is simply Modi in a saree". Her irrepressible confrontationist attitude and recalcitrance, the inability to evolve a working relationship with the central government (which other Opposition Chief Ministers have been able to do, to some extent, at least) is having an adverse effect on the finances and economy of the state, which can only be counter-productive for her development manifesto. Her pugnacious attitude on politicisation of the police is reducing their credibility and effectiveness, the confrontationist posture vis-a-vis the judiciary eroding the rule of law. She is slowly but surely bringing Bengal to its knees, to the point of anarchy.

One dimension of this is the scams that have been regularly surfacing during her tenure- the Saradha and Naradha chit-fund cases, Rose Valley, Ration card scam, teachers' recruitment, land grabbing by the accused robber baron in Sandeshkhali, the film city case in Chandrakona of Midnapore district; in most of these many of her party leaders are in jail and many more are being investigated. This is no different from the cronyism the BJP is known for. Then there are the alleged  TMC controlled "syndicates" that are rumoured to levy fees for various commercial activities including even house construction. There are many more which friends and contacts in Kolkata tell me are running rampant with full govt. blessings. If true, the intention is clearly to provide a regular source of income to the party cadres in order to retain their loyalty. Which raises the question: how are these cadres then any different from the CPI and CPM cadres which she had displaced or the sanghi militias which she (rightly) criticises?

It is no different when it comes to the bureaucracy and the police. Like the BJP at the center and states where it rules, she expects complete loyalty from the state apparatus, over and above their commitment to the Constitution. The West Bengal police function in the same "controlled" mode as do the CBI and ED and the police in BJP states, as numerous instances in the past have shown: she even went on a dharna once to show support for a Commissioner of Police, a first in the history of this country! How then is she different from Modi?

Again, like the Modi-Shah duo, she appears to have no empathy or compassion for the victims of state,  state sponsored or even random violence. Every incident is weighed on the scales of political expediency and advantage- it was so in the Sandeshkhali incidents and it is so again in the latest rape/ murder of a young medical intern at the RG Kar hospital. The public perception in all such cases has been that, for her, the political fall- out is always more important than any attempt to punish the guilty or to reform the system. Once again, the lines between her and the BJP get blurred. 

All these elements and fragments of a dysfunctional state have now come to a head in the RG Kar rape and murder case, as was inevitable sooner or later. Our concern should not be just with the crime itself, horrific as it is, as a Chief Minister certainly cannot be held accountable for such a crime. But she can certainly be asked to account for, and explain, the circumstances leading up to the heinous crime and the government's actions thereafter. Both are profoundly disturbing, because they have a bearing on the conditions which made such a crime possible, the dubious manner in which it was being investigated, and on the efforts to fix accountability for the same.

We have to question the political clout of the Principal/Director of the RG Kar Hospital who reportedly managed to get his transfer cancelled at least twice previously, why he was allowed to run the institution like his personal fiefdom, why no note was taken of the alleged large scale corruption which was rampant in the hospital (cases have been belatedly files against him only now, after a public outcry). The incident has also brought to light one of the most pernicious and illegitimate policies of this TMC govt.- the recruitment of tens of thousands of persons as "civic volunteers", without any rule-based or examination-based process of selection, to "assist" the police on a handsome monthly salary. It is alleged by the opposition parties that this is a device to employ TMC cadres at govt. expense. The primary accused (who has been arrested) was one such volunteer and reportedly ran a flourishing "hafta" and admission racket in the hospital. It is possible that this preferred treatment and quasi-constabulary status is what gave him the feeling of immunity and impunity which could have led to his assault on the lady doctor. How is this force any different from the militias and goons of other parties? No doubt the CBI will be probing these precedent conditions of the rape and murder and to what extent they have contributed to their commission. They do not reflect well on the image of the Chief Minister herself.

The state govt's actions AFTER the discovery of the crime and the body engender further doubts and scepticism about Ms Banerjee's intentions and capability to secure full justice in the matter. It appears that she is more interested in damage control and political opportunism than in trying to honestly implement the law and correct the wrongs that have clearly taken place. Suspicions have also been voiced by a huge cross-section of people that she may even be trying to protect someone. There is no evidence of this yet, but the govt's actions so far certainly do not inspire confidence that the truth will be exhumed. How else can a citizen view the following?:

The repeated flip-flops in terming the death first as suicide, then unnatural death, then admitting to murder; removing the Principal and then reinstating him just hours later in an even more senior position; the inordinate delay in registering the F.I.R; the completely unacceptable and inhumane treatment of the parents of the poor girl; the abject failure of the police in anticipating, preventing and controlling the mob violence on the night of the 14th-15th August which was clearly intended to suppress the protests; the impotence of the police to prevent the vandalisation of the hospital by the same mob?

Even worse, instead of trying to understand the huge public outrage and anger, making allowances for it, and quickly course-correcting, the state government has made a bad situation worse by trying to intimidate and coerce its critics, protesters, doctors, and voices on social media- till last count the police had issued notices to 280 persons and even arrested a few. By all means, discourage dissemination of false news, but accept the criticism. Even the Supreme Court has castigated the government for its attempts at muzzling the protesters. This has all the hallmarks of the Delhi, Uttarakhand and U.P. police. Will they be sending in the bulldozers next?

Incidentally, all these issues and shortcomings have been noted by the Supreme Court too on the 20th of this month.

The RG Kar incident has showcased, in one conflation point, all that is wrong with Mamata Banerjee's government and which has made it indistinguishable from the BJP. This episode can be either her Kalinga  or her Waterloo- she can change course or perish. Come 2026 and the citizens of Bengal may well decide that they have had enough of this smorgasbord of corruption, nepotism, violence, confrontation and near anarchy. They will then have to make a Hobson's choice- vote for continued anarchy, bankruptcy and the growing kakistrocacy in Nabanna, or give a chance to the established kakistrocacy experts in Delhi and reap the benefits of a "double engine" sarkar.  It's all up to the lady in the sari if she can reinvent herself and her politics. She still has time, but it's running out-fast.


  1. Avay- you are spot on - having identified, diagnosed, compared (kakistocracy?) absolutely. But I wish to add something to your conclusion on the 2026 state elections here in waste bangal.

    1. The people here are in a state of confusion. Everyday there is a bandh or protest that doesn't actually alter her Thinking Pattern. Actually WB today symbolises what India will/ is becoming tomorrow.
    2. My balanced person, schooled as we were from 1970s till today (aren't we unlearning?), is realising the sacred Constitution is flouted irrevocably. Citizens are fearful. I am worried about my daughter going out alone even if the driver is in the car.
    3. The Hon'bl SC has constituted a group to look into the issues. Enlightened cream de la crem members. How long and what will they recommend? Will they recommend President Rule or will they recommend status quo?
    4. Since 1947 Indian citizens have evolved more negatively than positively, sans discipline and values. It is too late to rise up against these powerful Brute forces- or isn't it?
    5. We are more interested in World Peace (?) than our own internal peace. And peace needs a redefinition also now. What is 'peace'?
    6. The Founders of the Constitution are turning in their graves. We as citizens remain dead as we live.
    7. AI is coming on the scene eclipsing HI. Birth rates have fallen. And our rulers are just looting in multiple manners, flouting the basics of decency. Can any force redeem us?

  2. Mamata is an open and shut case. No comparision with Modi. It's like comparing dark night with a bright day

  3. Sentiments apart, there always comes a time in the spirals of the past and present when wickedness and evil stand exposed; when good overcomes. Until it is overcome itself by its own dregs and rot.
    Evolution is a fundamental truth. History repeats itself but is never quite the same. The change shows in living memory. As much as we are rocked by the passing of Golum's precious, so too is visible the change. And despite our fascination with the dark forces, we do injustice to ourselves if we choose not to see the good.
    Our contemporary is in a time of fruition. If the errors and misdeeds of leadership are being stripped of disguise, it is because the tides of justice are among us everywhere. Irrespective of who is night and who is day.

  4. Avay, This piece says it all emphatically and with absolute clarity. Mamata Banerjee is certainly responsible for creating an anti-TMC sentiment, though she (and none else) is the whole TMC party herself, she is making a mess on so many fronts. Single-leader parties have this handicap: no one can question even the most disastrous decisions when they are taken by the leader. Shorn of democratic decision making, the ruling party in WB is definitely scripting doom for itself.

  5. In 2011, monolith of a left government exited, having blundered on its way out. But amidst cheer, and general hoopla nobody noticed that in is place Bengal had propped up a political formation by the lumpens, for the lumpens and of the lumpens. Spearheaded by Mamata, who was once hailed by RSS as " Ma Durga". She too had reciprocated by sending flowers to Modi on his re election after 2002 pogrom. Following decade saw BJP ' s footprint in Bengal for the first time and a political culture based on ethnic religious identity, giveaways ,freebies, suitable for winning election but detrimental to good governance.
    Bengal sowed the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind.

  6. Ghananeem Hey there! 🌟 Just read this awesome article and couldn't agree more with the insights shared 📚✨

    Happy reading!

  7. Superb blog sir. It is the factual reflection of the political personalities and present rotten system. The conscience of the political leaders and of majority population has been eaten away by the termite of greed and immorality. Wonderful Sir.

  8. It is often said that the people get the governance they deserve. Does one overstep discretion if one is to apply this maxim to the citizens of Bengal? One might ask if the Bhodrolok are ready for a regime that is administratively nuanced, socially attuned and democratically balanced than the current one. Before they collectively scream “ke bolche tumii…!”, they must recall that Bengal has remained a turbulent cauldron from the times pre-Independence. Violence has been the bedrock of Bengal’s politics and polity, a phenomenon that has continued unabated regardless of the governing regime. From the 1946-47 massacre of people during Independence to the Tebhaga killings, from the Naxalite unrest to the ghastly killings of Nandigram in 2006 for industrial land acquiring, Bengal has witnessed Party-based violence of the worst kind. While elsewhere in India there is physical upheaval, it is sporadic, ephemeral, discontinuous. Bengal however, is the single state that has from Independence, retained its violent underpinnings over the decades, because there the “Party” is prioritised over social and structural considerations. And curiously, whichever the Party in power, it hegemonises its hold over the urban and rural demos with brutality. This dynamic does not exist in other states - not Bihar, UP, or Kerala, where violence is issue based, ideology based, religion based, caste based - not “Party” based. Be it the Congress clashing with the CPI(M) over decades, or currently the TMC crossing swords with the BJP, Party violence is the centrifuge that has churned the politics of Bengal in a bloody and beleaguered maelstrom, from which there has not been a release even 77 years post Independence.
    Avay Shukla’s observations are weighty, founded perhaps on the historical pattern of the past, when parties have wrested power from each other by resorting to force. His prediction of the BJP upstaging the TMC in 2026 is plausible. But the larger question remains - will the people of Bengal, long entrenched in the cycle of bloodshed - opt to unshackle themselves from the bloody clutches of Party politics? Will they eschew violence and demand sane governance…? Then one might say, “ke aushchoryaa…”

  9. All true, Avay, but she doesn't spew the venom and hatred that the Sangh Parivar thrives on. Is that too high a price to pay?

  10. You are right, Pradeep: that, and her pluralism, are her strengths and reflective of traditional Bengali ethos. But they cannot indefinitely compensate for basic good governance. That is something which even the BJP is discovering with its communalism in the Hindu heartland.

  11. Sorry,Avay, agree disagree that bit of pluralism. If that means grants to purohits and imams alike and soft communalism in the name of huge subsidies (unbudgeted) for community pujas from a already parlous state exchequer. Grants to local clubs , to keep her grass root machinery of lumpens well oiled for election time all fit her scheme of things.
    Bengal did see violence in the past but it was confined between political parties admittedly creating a sense of panic among the general public. But thanks to Mamata ' style of functioning, and a helpless , servile,emasculated police force, violence has penetrated superstructure of the society. Resuts- a thirty year old post graduate trainee doctor on duty is brutally murdered in a government hospital triggering most insensitive governmental reactions and suspicious cover ups from a person who is in charge of both home and health in the state.
