Friday 31 May 2024


  Campaigning is now almost over as we head inexorably for Result day on the 4th of June, and it is a prospect which fills me with dread. Never, ever, have we had an election so filled with hate, bigotry, despicable language, threats, complaints, lies and manipulation. Never have we had an election where the stakes were so high, especially for the demonised and intimidated 14% of our population pushed to the borders of citizenship. Never have we seen a Prime Minister so contemptuous of the law, conventions, canons of basic decency and language, basic humanity. Never have we seen a citizenry so divided by religious fault lines. Never have we been in a position where the survival of our very Constitution is under threat. For, regardless of  the results on the 4th of June, the country is headed for a dangerous period of instability, chaos and even more social conflict which may even threaten our very survival as a functioning democracy. How did we reach this point of almost no-return?

  We have reached this nadir of democracy because people who were entrusted with the responsibility- on oath- to defend the values of our republic have looked the other way, at best, or have colluded with the usurpers at worst. Without their indulgence, accommodation and hand holding of these inimical forces the country would not now be teetering on the edge of the precipice. They have been found to be missing in action when the country most needed them.

  The prevarication of the Judiciary, its inability or unwillingness to confront the Executive, is perhaps the single most important factor which has emboldened this regime to push the frontiers of the Constitutional envelope, to salami-slice it with impunity without having to amend it. Inordinate delays in deciding important cases have resulted in faits accompli which have invariably favoured the government. The jurisprudence of the "sealed cover" has made a mockery of the law, as we saw in the Rafale case. Court monitored inquiries- Pegasus, Hindenberg- have never reached any satisfactory closure, allowing the government to claim a "clean chit." Even when the actions of the ruling party have been held to be illegal- Ram Mandir, Electoral bonds- the perpetrators have been permitted to retain the proceeds of their crime, and to make use of them for electoral purposes.

  Decisions now appear to be based on the predilections of individual judges, not on established principles of law: the most glaring example of this is the universal refusal to grant bail, even as the police go around arresting people with gay abandon. NCRB data shows that about 55 lakh persons were arrested in 2022. Most of them are probably rotting in jail, which is why 75.80% of prisoners are undertrials. This suits the Executive just fine, because it enables it to detain persons-dissidents, opposition leaders, journalists- even without any evidence or trying them. Matters have predictably now come to a point where even Chief Ministers can be indefinitely imprisoned without conviction just on the eve of crucial national elections! Even as convicted rapists like Baba Ram Rahim can be repeatedly RELEASED on parole before elections ! What kind of justice system is this, the citizen is entitled to ask?

  The judiciary appears to have as much contempt for civil society and its representative organisations as does the government. A case in point is the recent dismissal of the pleas of ADR (Association for Democratic Reforms) and Common Cause, two of the finest voices of civil society, for reforms in the VVPAT counting process. The judgment did not take into account global practices, views of experts or the misgivings of the public. It was simply based on an abiding faith in a discredited ECI and technicalities which the court was ill equipped to analyse. Cross verification of the EVM/VVPAT count would have needed nothing more than a few additional hours but would have instilled a badly needed confidence in the electoral process. This judgment has only emboldened the ECI to ride roughshod over civil society and Opposition's concerns and reinforced its carapace of unaccountability. The judiciary's facade of independence has been further dented by the self-confessed revelations of two High Court judges that they are adherents of the BJP/RSS ideology: one of them is now contesting the elections on a BJP ticket.

  The ECI (Election Commission of India) is perhaps the most distrusted institution in India today, having expended all its previous glory on self-serving sycophancy of the current regime. It has consistently and unabashedly done everything in its power to create a pitch which favours the BJP-from its volte face on the Electoral bonds issue in court, to the long drawn out, six week schedule for the polling, its inaction on the many complaints of names of voters being deleted from voters' lists, of voters of a particular community not being allowed to vote in some booths, its steadfast opposition to cross verification of VVPAT counts, the unexplained delay in releasing the absolute number of votes polled,  the  unprecedented increase in polled votes in the final lists. This has led to wide-spread distrust of its motives, and apprehensions of its conduct during counting day. The Commissioners could have made an attempt to dispel these concerns by agreeing to meet the delegation of Opposition parties or to hold regular press conferences (both of which its predecessors had invariably done). But it has obstinately refused to do so, perhaps fortified by the Z+ security cover conferred on it recently!

 Things have come to such a pass that all results declared on the 4th of June could now come under a cloud in public perception; the sanctity of the election process (which was never doubted even in the critical 1977 election) has now been eroded. In a first of its kind various civil society organisations have issued appeals to Returning Officers, the uniformed forces and even the President to abide by their oath to the Constitution and ensure a free and fair result on counting day. This general distrust could have grave implications post the counting, only because the Election Commission was found wanting when it should have stood up to be counted.

  Whereas the above two institutions have facilitated the empowerment of the BJP's vicious brand of politics, the corporate media has done worse- it has brought the vitriol, bigotry and hate into the sitting rooms of people. By amplifying the ruling regime's lies and falsehoods, by not questioning them, by concentrating on divisive subjects rather than genuine news, it has managed to legitimise falsehood and  hatred on a scale even Goebbles would have marvelled at. This media has spread Islamophobia throughout the country and has helped elevate Mr. Modi to a Godly status, something which he now publicly claims himself. By constantly disseminating false or slanted news and not projecting the Opposition's points of views, it has denied authentic news to the public at large and violated the first principle of journalism. It has assisted the ECI in preparing a doctored pitch (at least in the perception of a large number of people) for the election.

  The institutions which were meant to ensure a free and fair election have not done their job, and the nation may end up paying a heavy price for it. They will not be judged gently by history, nor do they deserve to be. But for the moment we are entitled to ask of them: Where were you when the country needed you most?



  1. Replies
    1. How come Mr. Lalit?
      Et tu, Brute?
      Could you spell your yawning please?

    2. To Mr Anupam Shukla,

      Avayji, in dotage, has lost his marbles not that he was erudite in younger days. His English writings are school boyish and filled with mistakes - St Stephen's does not have a world reputed English Department.

      My Shukla fears change of constitution under BJP rule 3.0 provided the NDA wins the election which I doubt. Assuming the NDA retains power, it'll do so with a slim majority and form a fractious coalition government - both reasons would would act as a barrier to its ambition of Hindu rashtra with constitution replacement.

      India is not a secular country - Hindu festivals grab the lion's share of public holidays, Hindu symbols dominate public spaces, bovine slaughter is forbidden, casteism is rampant, reservations are aimed at Hindus, Sanskritised Hindi is at the forefront while Hindustani and Urdu are out of favour. These are essential features of a Hindu rashtra. Relegating religious minorities to second or third class status is in place since decades and it can't get worse.

      Muslims form at least 20 percent of the total population, and by some accounts 25%, and their numbers are fast rising. Beyond a certain point of demonization, Muslims will hit back because their egos will be hurt and once their religious beliefs are attacked they'll embark on jihad that'll destroy the nation. Remember, Muslims court death in matters of religion, whereas other people cling to life thinking what does it matter if our faith is attacked or sharia imposed as we can always internalize our religious beliefs without resorting to external displays. With Muslims, externalisation of Islam is essential - call to pray (aazaan), animal sacrifice, public prayers in mosques. burqa, beard, skull caps, maatam, tajia, Haj. They will not tolerate interference in their faith and beyond a certain threshold that's quite low they'll forcefully hit back falling themselves in the ensuing street violence and causing the collapse of the Hindu rashtra. Partition follows. Christians will turn the other cheek hundreds of times to get slapped by foes until both cheeks are swollen and they can't take it anymore and thereafter they will resort to silent satyagraha like M K Gandhi. This effete pacifism is not seen in Muslims.

      Implementing the UCC will begin the mass violence in India and this country will soon be turned into a huge killing field resembling Manipur or worse.

      As for elections being cancelled, the public won't take it lying down.

      Without military rule, none of the above can materialise. And our military is sufficiently sane to thwart any attempt to lockdown India in this fascist fashion.

      Avay Shukla ji should shed his childish and superficial mindset and think deep and shore up his wishy washy emotions that're suited for women. And learn better English. Of late, Shukla appears psychoemotionally unstable and his erratic and confused writings reflect the same. Has someone cursed him given his proclivity for knee jerk responses and hot headedness? I wish him well.

    3. Foaming at the mouth sir, only exposes the colour of the undergarment.

  2. Very lucid and topical as always but frankly I was expecting a satirical piece on the Divine Being in our midst !

  3. A doomsday prophecy indeed. Though I doubt it will come to pass, the author is entitled to his beliefs. What it needs is a pinch of salt ....

  4. Avay, there are other institutions which have failed citizens and been amenable to be used by the ruling dispensation. This includes the income tax department, the enforcement directorate, the CBI, etc. The scale of their harassment of those who dissent is not something they will live down nor will history forgive them their trespasses. Instead of being apolitical, neutral, independent organisations they are more than willing to please politicians in power. It is a travesty of all that's just and fair.

    1. You are right about these agencies, but they are organs of the govt which all parties have misused though not on the scale this govt has. My focus was on constitutionally protected/ independent institutions which are not subservient to the govt of the day and are therefore expected to act as checks on authority.

    2. What a ridiculous comment from Amita Joseph bandying tall words like "neutrality", "independence" and "apolitical" while overlooking the basis and composition of organisations like CBI, ED, IT, that fall under the direct purview of the executive branch of the central government. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

      As such how can these central organisations ever be neutral and independent? Their officers are drawn from the civil services and appointments to the higher posts are made by the government. Political parties in power infiltrate such state controlled organisations. Naturally, the ruling party would appoint their own cronies to the top posts and try to influence their workings and use them to target rivals or those who don't fall in line.

      While political machination is a given, what's truly alarming is the record high levels of corruption seen in the cadres of the ED, IT, CBI etc with key officers amassing disproportionate wealth runing into hundreds of crores of rupees while the lower rung officers too get a slice of the pie. Intra/inter organisation rivalry among the officers to befriend the most corrupt industrial house, or big share brokers, or powerful landsharks to milk the situation is common. Character building begins at home. Almost nothing is seen in these organisations and their officers and their political masters

      Add to this is the immense pressure from the World Bank, IMF, BIS, WEF etc and mega institutional investors like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street owning assets worth $25 trillions or more through bulk buying and selling that manipulate the markets and exchange rates playing lethal mind games with the polity and public at their mercy.

    3. What's so ridiculous? Expecting persons in govt to adhere to the constitution? Not to witch hunt or villify those who dissent?? I agree they are organs of the government but is blatant misuse legitimate? These agencies are also to act within the ambit of the laws of the land? Is it so ridiculous to expect a spine??

  5. What Avay Shukla has written is one aspect. The other aspect is the sustained and relentless resistance. Farmers resisted. They undertook a political campaign in the states going for bye elections in 2021. Parliamentary bye elections outcomes in Mandi and Khandwa in October 2021 sent shock waves through the Modi government and compelled Modi to swallow the bitter pill in full public view. Modi tried to make an example of Kanhaiya Kumar with a courtroom assault. KK came out of jail and hit their bowling for sixes in front of Godi media prime time cameras which had come with the intention to record something else. Workers agitation has been relentless and has stalled the four Labour codes. Adani has splurged a lot of money on NDTV which has gone down the drain. Meanwhile credible journalism has constructed alternate pathways. Modi has failed to shut down Newsclick and Purkayastha is out of jail due to the same judiciary that Shukla talks about....Don't underestimate the pressure on Modi raj. The relentless resistance will continue regardless of the 4th June outcomes.

  6. Yes indeed,the missing gate keepers are responsible for this most filthy ditch into which the country has fallen.

    Majority of the people in the country now believe that our leader is the incarnation of God.He himself says it loud. The next moment he says a despicable lie, words filled with anger and hatred targeting his own citizens .Is this the way God behaves? This is the bottom of the ditch.

    How can we trust a leader who keeps telling lies day and night, ignorant to such an extent to claim that Gandhi was unknown to the world before 1982 ?

  7. Modi in avatar mode?

    He got the pagan dynamics wrong.

    Reification should precede deification.

    The being should first materialise and then be worshipped after recognition as avatar of the yug. The entire father-son-spirit trilogy or the being-avatar dichotomy reeks of megalomania as the person claiming godhead status on terra firma wants mass hero worship fuelling his ego and then a mangod cult emerges pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible.

    The sky god paradigm goads believers to worship an invisible deity who can never assume human form given the fragility of physical matter - for how could the immensity of the supreme being ever descend on to the physical dimension without causing its implosion? Immanence keeps the deity out of the reach of physicality but its spiritual presence is near enough to those who invoke it. The only question is this - there are several competing entities vying for the crown of the incorporeal supreme being sans its earthly manifestation - a blasphemy to assume God can ever take the form of a pooping, peeing and perspiring mortal only to be nailed to a pole bleeding to death or shot by a hunter's arrow.

    Narendra Modi ji fits neither of the above definitions and in fact it is becoming increasingly visible he's lost his mental balance much like the bipolar Gandhi siblings who don't claim divine status but whose behaviour oscillating between sober to bizarre is well known. In a god-crazy nation where antithetical beliefs converge and expectedly repel as they fight for supremacy on the streets or try out breeding each other in the battle of demographics, the smog of friction is getting thicker, opacity rules, as delusions soar.

    Democracy is unfit for India where teeming masses with undiscerning tastes select leaders only to be betrayed and trodden upon - a case of "jaisi praja, waisa raja", literally: you get the rulers you deserve. The humungous population with its wide disparities creates a miasma whose stench covers all leading to despair, devastation and distrust. Democracy is veiled autocracy that ends at the ballot box or EVM after which the ruling party acts autocratically often to the detriment of the citizens. Democracy should be participative at all times post elections where the electorate votes on major issues shaping government action. Democracy works best with small populations with high IQ and where ethics, reason and rule of law are prized by the people.

    India is heading deeper into the abyss. May the heavens save the few sane ones left.

  8. I feel that that so-called educated who choose to not look at the erosion of democracy are equally big culprits. I am however, encouraged by the growth of independent media on YouTube but fear that the Modi & Co. will soon put an end to it with their usual tactics. Of late the divine one has begun to show signs of profound ignorance which in itself should disqualify him. But then the so-called educated will find some way or the other to celebrate his glory.

  9. Replies
    1. Evidence will decide the final outcome of the election not speculations nor pet obsessions nor personal desire.

      As with everything, evidence is the only thing that matters, unless you're a devotee of the Invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster.


  10. 3 insurmountable hurdles will bring down the Hindutva agenda -

    1. Critical thinking of science

    2. Reach of social media

    3. Dominance of the English language,

    Attempts to foist crude mythologies will be defeated by science that's well equipped to party crash and tear down illusions and lies peddled in the name of historical past and ancient achievements, social media will spread the word awakening people to the enslavement of toxic mythologies, and the dominance of the English language before which Hindi is a backward and undeveloped language that's unfit for intellectual, higher academic, R&D and technical activities creating low self-esteem and jealousy in Hindi wallahs will stymie the tide of mythologies as attempts to introduce badly and inaccurately translated books and research papers from English in professional courses will fail. Indian languages have to be forced by the state on people which shows their low reputation. Ground reality is English medium schools are proliferating while schools in the vernaculars are dwindling.

    The need of the hour is "glocalisation", a portmanteau of "global" and "local" - "think global, act local". 3 times Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman's acclaimed book "The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century" is apt reading for readers at stage 1.0 of understanding of the subject of globalisation that spares no country with its wide ranging ramifications.

    1. All the 3 points you've mentioned above to defeat Hindutva are correct. I add the 4th point.

      4. A fast exploding population of minorities mainly the Muslims who will seek another Pakistan once they have sizeable numbers say when they form 30% of the population within a decade or less.

    2. No facts bear out such a theory as regards Muslim population.

    3. Prakash, depends on the perspective, jaundiced or otherwise. You are entitled to your views

  11. Surprisingly & in contrast to popular beliefs India has performed the best under coalition govts.
    1. Indira Gandhi's absolute majority prompted the JP rebellion & subsequent emergency. Garibi Hatao did not happen.
    2. Rajiv Gandhi's absolute majority was strewn with blunders & brought VP Singh & his mandal.
    3. Less said the better about the current dispensation.
    Under coalitions Indian civil society has been relatively free.
    Economy opened up under the stewardship of Narsimha Rao.
    Economy prospered under Manmohan Singh.

    I got a scare this morning when I opened the newspaper & found Kharge endorsing Raga as PM candidate. Jumping the gun. Raga is not PM material. There is a massive khichdi simmering on the back burner, that is if INDIA wins a majority. Which may not happen.

    INDIA is a motley crew of disparate political vested interests pulling in different directions. I fear they are going to find it next to impossible to settle on a PM candidate acceptable to all. Even if they manage that the cobbled together govt will collapse. This coalition has its inherent collapse in its structure because no one party will have a sizable majority hence no heft to hold them all together. In earlier coalitions Congress was the dominant party. Not this time. There will be policy paralysis. Regional issues will hold sway over national issues. China will once again nibble.
    I suppose democracy is a difficult system in a large developing country

    1. Firdaus Nariman

      On the one hand you aver India's performed best under coalition governments citing the Manmohan Singh and Narasimha Rao governments
      but you contradict yourself when you say INDIA is a motley crew of disparate elements. Aren't all coalitions shaky groups made of individual parties who've come together due to vested interests?

      If I have to chose between a government with an absolute majority and a coalition, I'd say both have their positive sides and drawbacks. Absolute majority morphs into dictatorship and it's easy for the constitution to get ammended or changed and harsh laws to go through, while a ruling party with an absolute majority can work wonders for a nation if it has vision and commitment to nation building. Coalition works fine if the partners are committed to stability and share responsibilities while not succumbing to horse trading, of breaking away under financial inducements offered by rivals out to derail the coalition.

      I would settle for benevolent dictatorship over the farce called democracy any day.

      Neither RaGa nor Khadge are wise choices as potential PM candidates. Modi is a disaster with his crudity, showmanship and ill-educated views. Sharad Pawar would be okayish but he's indicted of harbouring Dawood Ibrahim in the past. Uddhav is callow and regional. Amit Shah and Yogi are barbarians and are ruled out even before their names are forwarded for post of PM. BJP has only snake oil selling candidates, peddling woo, unsuited for the cutting edge 21st century.

      Kejri is fishy and lies through his arse.

      Not 1 mature, intelligent and responsible candidate for PM.

      How do you know INDIA may not likely won the election? Is it speculation? As someone said in the comments, let evidence decide.

  12. Instead of seeking urgent medical aid, Narendra Modi is more likely to tell a mother weeping over her sick child to cover the child's feet with thick socks and insert a potato or two in each sock while beating a thali with a spoon ordering the disease to go.


    2. What did he do to save us from COVID? Do you even know what COVID is? He's now conveniently taken off his image of photo from the vaccines after learning of the dangers.

    3. It's the thali banging that saved us 🤣

  13. How are you so sure of these numbers? Dal me kuch kala hai?

  14. Alert

    Agents alloted to monitor counting of votes on June 4 by the INDIA Janbandhan should stay alert at all times because they will try to demoralise you by:

    * Releasing exit polls that are lies of a big NDA win using a tiny sample size with a high degree of bias to get you mentally upset today and tomorrow so you don't watch as much what they'll do to the machines on counting day.

    * They'll deliberately begin counting from those constituencies where the NDA is strong and so the initial figures will go in favour of the NDA which is a ploy to cause heartache and lowering of guard on part of the agents so you won't stay watchful and then they'll go for the tampering of machines.

    These are well known tactics, applied in a modern context, borrowed from ancient strategists like Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and Chanakya to win through hook or crook post demoralising the foe.

    Don't lower your guard one bit no matter what your emotions are all throughout the counting and you'll see the game changing as defeat stares in the face of the NDA.

    The silver lining according to the info with me is that machine tampering has not been permitted this time by the masterminds as change of government is on the cards.

    As for the NDA, I pity them clinging to power like parasites when people don't want them but remember natural or divine justice will get you even if by chance you manage a scam. Man proposes, God disposes.

    I would like to see the life imprisonment or capital punishment awarded to officials behind any attempt to tamper with the results.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Some of Prakash Kumar's comments have been deleted because they were uncivil, crass and personal. Such language has no place on this blogsite. Would request all who wish to comment to maintain decorum and to be polite even while disagreeing.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. A regime that secures an absolute majority will inevitably hold the reins of absolute power, limiting democracy to a paper definition. This has been witnessed before and never more starkly than in the last 10 years. If the exit polls are an indicator, then a further hardening of the institutions against the very people who have voted for the regime will be experienced. A uni-party government will ineluctably mutate to a uniformist one where deliberations are replaced by diktats fountainheaded from a concentration of authority. From 1989 to 2014, the coalition governments of the day worked for a greater spectrum of people across caste, religious, and economic divides. Post 2014, the ruling dispensation that was formed with majority, has tilted towards the wealthy, the landed and the connected, under the overarch of unabashed religious monolithism. The constitutionally created institutions were intended to ballast the democratic Indian ship in its navigations. Their lamentable diminution resembles tin cans tied and dragged behind a mover, serving no authentic purpose other than making sounds pleasing to the dragger.

    Vivek Monterio’s reflections are a fascinating contrast, quite the other side of the coin tossed by Mr. Shukla. The ‘benevolent dictatorship’ ascribed as a preferred reign over democracy in a different comment is an impossible oxymoron, no more. Lastly, ganging up against Avay Shukla and Amita Joseph only exposes the vacuousness of those engaged in their tiny excitement. When dissent veers towards animosity, the intent heads underground.

  17. NDA will sweep the polls paving the way for the disintegration of India.

  18. EC increased the number of votes cast by 1 crore or more without INDIA raising much of a hue and cry suggesting both sides are complicit. An increase of 1 crore votes is sufficient to ensure a NDA win without tampering with the EVMs. Draconian policies follow. Dark days ahead as the nation hurtles towards distress and disintegration

  19. “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be."

    - Kurt Vonnegut

  20. I'm sickened to hear poorly informed Indians, many of them well educated, repeat the lie of Modi raising India's stature in the international arena and how much respect he commands abroad when these naive people fail to understand Modi is usually seated in the back rows during a photoshoot while the leaders of the advanced countries occupy the front seats. I have seen the barely concealed look of disgust on the faces of Angela Merkel, Joe Biden, Macron, Putin, MBS and even Elon Musk. In one recent incident, during the G20 in India, Biden and MBS kept on conversing with each other over Modi's head without looking at him once while he kept shifting his head left to right and back and tried to draw their attention with no success for minutes. Dr Angela Merkel pretended she didn't see his outstretched hand and much to his humiliation she walked away. There are many other incidents where Narendra Modi has been belittled or ignored in public.

    Is this how a respected and admired leader is treated?

    I point out these examples to those who blindly praise Modi's excellent networking skills on foreign soil and they flee knowing their bubble has been burst. His habit of hugging male leaders is treated with contempt and the look of irritation on the faces of some leaders is visible when he goes for his trademark bear hug. He needs a sartorial makeover substituting dark coloured Indian bandhgalas or Western suits for the flashy outfits he wears. And a lession in comportment of how to carry oneself with poise and dignity.

  21. All political parties are equally culpable. There is nothing to distinguish among parties as regards corruption, misuse of agencies etc. Did not Congress unleash a terrorist Nusrat Jahan to kill a sitting CM? TMC and Sandeshkali episodes, teacher recruitment scams etc are well known. Appeasement politics are played for last 70 years. S Which government state/ central obey the judgements of SC/ HCs? The rot started with Indra Gandhi, who wanted committed judiciary and bureaucracy. The cancer has spread since her times. As an ex- bureaucrat the author is also equally responsible for the genral declining standards. This true if most big democracies today.

  22. Eve Of Poll Results -

    Frenzied preparations such as building huge AC tents to accomodate party workers, food arrangements, crack lawyer teams, band baja, buntings etc underway (for tomorrow's anticipated victory of INDIA gathbandhan) at the head quarters of the Congress and various political parties forming the INDIA bloc.

    Multiple flaws shown by INDIA leaders in the bogus exit polls concocted by the NDA like incorrect number of the total number of seats available in each state, accounting for candidates not contesting elections, wrong voter count etc.

    EC chief appeared nervous, stuttered talk and shifty because he knows how the public will treat him if he's exposed in dubious dealings.

    Sonia Gandhi appeared supremely confident today - no nervous body language, strong voice, etc, in asserting the overthrow of the exit poll results tomorrow.

    High security arrangements appear to be made for the shell shocked NDA supporters who may turn violent on seeing defeat for their party.

    NDA leaders quiet as mice as if ordered by the power lobbies to shut up and knowing their end is near .

  23. My sympathies are with the winner of the LS polls.

    After the euphoria fades, it will be unprecedented hell for the new government.

    May God bless the winning side, NDA or INDIA, because it will need all possible divine help to barely stay afloat if at all as it will have to face a mountain of problems which is an understatement from all sides....from literally omnipotent international bodies dictating extremely harsh terms to it and very immense internal pressures both of which can sink the nation forever.

  24. EC and ED officials could be wetting their pants after seeing viral videos of passionate INDIA cadre promising lynching on the streets of those officials caught committing electoral/economic fraud favouring the ruling party. The demonology of Hindutva has created a monster that can be crushed only by force. Sad, it's come to this desperate state of affairs where people who are wronged are prepared to go to extremes if the complicit or cowed down judiciary fails to rein in the offenders and shut down malpractices. No wonder the EC chief appeared so sweaty and nervous in yesterday's press conference. Hope better sense prevails and fair play adhered to by everyone involved in today's crucial poll proceedings.

  25. Congratulations, INDIA. To form next government with or without support from outside. INDIA seats fast picking up. EC had deliberately slowed down the counting knowing NDA is scoring big in the final rounds of counting. To surpass NDA soon..If Chandra Babu Naidu and Nitish Kumar decide to prop up the INDIA government from outside, welcome them. If they wish to be a part of INDIA, welcome them.

    Bye, bye, NDA.

    Good riddance.

  26. EC chief - shameless man.

    He must resign.

  27. Perhaps the best outcome that could emerge, has emerged from the election result. The new government will be NDA, not Modi Sarkar, which will be an alliance of BJP with its partners as indispensable crutches. Prime among the allies - TDP led by Chandrababu Naidu, and JDU led by the ever fickle Nitish Kumar - both not right wing, will be a check to Modi in his plans of runaway Hindutva governance. Additionally, the opposition, which can and rightly should claim a victory in these elections far higher than that for Modi, is now adequately teethed to prevent the new ruling regime from railroading the people with autocratic fatwas. Modi is in uncharted waters.
    A government answerable to the widest spectrum of its people, and challenged by a vibrant opposition, is the best possible combination in Parliament. The political times are going to be interesting to observe going ahead. Who knows, the new opposition of today may become the government with the rising sun of tomorrow.
    This election result is also perhaps the answer to Avay Shukla's expressed apprehension. A lock has been opened which had chained the Press and Media, and shackled the constitutionally created institutions. That the nation may be able to celebrate freedom on the pedestal it should be on in a real functional democracy.
