Friday 17 May 2024


   I sincerely hope the Hon'ble Lordships who dismissed the petitions for mandatory counting of VVPAT slips (with wholly unwarranted aspersions on the petitioner, the Association for Democratic Reforms) are able to sleep soundly these days. I also hope they have by now realised how misplaced their touching faith in the current Election Commissioners was.  For every round of polling brings fresh disturbing news of malfunctioning of EVMs, of only the BJP symbol being displayed no matter which key one presses, of EVMs being "captured" by ruling party goons with the connivance of the police, of Muslim voters not being allowed to vote, of a BJP candidate (who has no business being inside a polling booth except to cast her vote) forcibly lifting the burkhas of Muslim women to verify their ID, of CCTV cameras in strong-rooms being rendered ineffective by electricity "failure", of en mass deletion of names of voters of a particular community. All accompanied by the sepulchral silence of the Election Commission.

  In one of the laziest judgments delivered in recent times, the Hon'ble judges premised their order on a complete faith in the Election Commission and its impartiality. How wrong they were is being proved on a daily basis. For the present Election Commission is the most deplorable, partisan and incompetent one we have had since 1947. It is as transparent as a block of granite, as communicative as a trappist monk with a vow of silence, and as straight as a corkscrew. It takes no action on hate speeches, allows a communal video to be shown for four days before taking it down just hours before polling, it is petrified of even taking the Prime Minister's name, let alone calling him out for persistent anti-Muslim baiting, its "notices" are targeted mainly at the Opposition parties, it changes, without any explanation, the practice of revealing polling numbers instead of just percentages: it takes days to reveal even this information in the age of "digital India"! And, in order to leave no doubt as to which corner of the ring it is in, it castigates the President of the country's largest opposition party for raising just this issue in a letter! The credibility of this Commission has hit rock bottom but it continues to dig deeper every day. All of us knew this, but apparently the Hon'ble judges did not.

  I fear the nation may pay a huge price for this indefensible misjudgment of the Commission's character and intentions. The real mischief will happen on counting day.

*                                          *                                           *                                    *                                  *

  It appears that some of Mr. Modi's divinity has rubbed off on me too: these days, perched in my mountain home at 7000 feet, I feel like Moses on Mount Sinai, surveying the frenetic goings-on far below with cynical disapproval. Things haven't changed much since the days of Moses either- what he beheld was worship of the golden calf, what I see now is hysteria about the saffron cow (speaking metaphorically, of course). To provide a non-Abrahamic analogy, I feel a bit like Jamlu Devta of Malana village on the heights of Chandrakhani Pass, observing  the other inferior devtas of Kullu conducting their road shows (it IS election time, after all!), each trying to impress the voter- sorry, devotee- to be declared the numero uno. ( Incidentally, Jamlu Devta is not to be confused with Jumla Devta, the other reigning deity in Delhi).

  And what I see is that, notwithstanding the indulgence (if not worse) of the Election Commission, the misuse of the official apparatus and the thousands of crores of bribes as electoral bonds being allowed to be retained, the BJP is going to fall short of a simple majority by at least 30-40 seats. The rag-tag NDA allies may garner another 30 or so seats, but it is unlikely that they will bail the BJP out: as Parakala Prabhakar explained to Karan Thapar in a recent interview, these parties are "contextual" not "ideological" allies of the BJP, and when the context changes they will jump ship like the proverbial rats. And that is when the fun begins, or the shit hits the ceiling. It is something we all should be discussing and worrying about, because this moment will put to the test every single institution, conventions and laws we have so painstakingly created over the years.

  Mr. Modi has been in power continuously for the last 22 years, and has made no secret of the fact that he loves it so much that he is not likely to hand it over to any one else, election or no election. He has, after all, been ordained to rule by God himself. Moreover, he has much to lose and fear if he has to relinquish power. His atrocities and excesses have made him many enemies; having lived by the sword he can expect no quarter from them. His imperious decisions will be called into question and investigated- Rafael, demonetisation, PM Cares fund, Electoral bonds, Pegasus, the Panama and Pandora papers, the Hindenberg expose on Adani, the award of contracts, ports, airports, mines, railways to cronies. Cadavers from the past will be exhumed to point their gory fingers at him- the Gujarat riots of 2002, the NE Delhi riots of 2021, Judge Loya, the Sohrabuddin and Kausar Bi encounters, the killings in Manipur, the imprisonment of Sanjiv Bhat and human rights activists: many more may emerge once the repressive lid is lifted off a citizenry and media muzzled for the last ten years.

  He will not, however, be without powerful allies who have been his accomplices in his megalomaniac excesses- bureaucrats, the police and defense forces, institutions like the Election Commission, Reserve Bank of India, Banks, SEBI and other regulatory bodies, even the judiciary. Just about every organ of government has, in the last ten years, been infiltrated by right wing sympathisers if not outright "bhakts", and for all of them this will be a moment that will endanger not only the continuance of Mr. Modi but  their own survival. They will provide the pushback to, and try to prevent, any change of regime, and, since they will continue to occupy positions of power in the system, they will constitute a potent challenge.

  With the kind of resources he will still have, and the strength of the backing from within the governmental structure, Mr. Modi can be expected to move heaven and earth to stay on in power. There will be no repeat of 1977 when Mrs. Gandhi handed over power peacefully, and for good reasons: our institutions and systems of checks and balances have been thoroughly eroded over the last decade, an independent media no longer exists, the character of our politicians has plumbed unimagined depths, and the very fabric of society has been torn and shredded. The engineering of large scale violence on the pattern of the January 6th violence in Washington cannot be ruled out, giving the present regime the perfect excuse to declare an Emergency, suspend all rights and call out the uniformed forces who have shown that they are not at all adverse to a touch of high handedness and have their own take on how best to preserve the "sovereignty of the nation". The fate of the nation will then depend on the President and the Supreme Court; somehow, however, I cannot muster up much confidence or hope in either.

  If, in spite of the election results (or because of manipulated results), Mr. Modi and the BJP/NDA  manage to retain power for the next five years, India will cease to exist as a genuine democracy. But then, as Satan said, for some it is better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven.


  1. Well articulated and the apprehensions are real.

    1. Avay, you forgot to mention the tax terrorism by the Income Tax department unleashed on dissenters, ngos, anyone who voices a opinion as well as the dubious role of the ED today and CBI seen as handmaidens of the ruling party. The undermining of these institutions is the biggest blow to democracy and the citizens.

  2. The post election scenario as outlined here is a very strong possibility. To relinquish power is existential for Modi. Expect him to pull out all the stops to cling on. We could be facing anarchy or a complete change of the political system. Both possibilities are extremely unpalatable

    1. Completely agree with you Firdaus, in fact I was just wondering to what unimaginable extent he will go.

  3. Love the play on Jamlu and Jumla devtas

  4. Every single fear/ possibility you have listed is very real. As is the list of shenanigans which, as you say, is not really exhaustive. There are skeletons in the cupboard still rotting and stinking, which have still not been unearthed.
    That the country faces a HUGE challenge is a given. The question is whether the nation can face up to it and go back to being INDIA. The India envisioned by the founding fathers and the one we grew up in.

  5. Forget to add that the words you have used to describe the three castrated men who make up the ECI are so very apt. Makes one wonder how the two of them look into the mirror when the shave every morning and how the third looks himself in the eye when tying his turban.
    What of their children and relatives? Do they all walk around hiding from their own shadows.
    What that lot has done to what used to be an internationally acclaimed institution is unpardonable.
    Post 4th of June, they need to be frog-marched directly from their office to the gallows!

  6. Unfortunately, the so called "Chanakya" of the Ruling Party is already has "Plan B" nay Horse Trading in his mind! God save us from this mockery of Indian Democtacy!

    1. Why stuck on the conspiracy trail when defeat stares in the face of the NDA with the share markets tanking 1000 points, Elon Musk refusing to meet Modi, and Ambani, Adani
      and Subhash Chandra switching loyalty to INDIA?

  7. Sir you say BJP is not getting majority. How is that possible if EVMs are hacked?
    If one looks at response PM gets from people in roadshows it's all clear. RaGa, kejri, mamata, Stalin, lallu who you want?
    It's going to be BJP 350, NDA 370.
    You are cut off from the Nation's pulse .
    What of 1000 crore electoral bond for congress? Or hundreds of crores received by smaller parties?

    1. Till a few days ago, you were yapping about "400 paar" and now your down to 370! Stay in denial, defeat and delusion. You're in for a big shock. Prepare to consult a shrink.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Have you seen the crowd pulled by RG, PG, Akhilesh, Tejaswi, AK, Sanjay Singh, Revantha Reddy, DK Shivkumar, Uddhav Thakre, Sachin Pilot etc. ? When the margin of votes that INDIA alliance candidates get is large, they will win. In case it is a tough fight and the margin is less manipulation of BJP can work. That is how opposition won in states like Karnataka, Telangana etc.

  8. What happened at Capitol Hill is likely to reverberate at Raisina Hill.And we will not see a 'General Mike Morely' apologising to the Nation!

  9. Please correct as Gen Mike Milley

  10. Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears, rears and tears:

    The 4th of June and ahead will be a Lok Sabha intrigue paralleling the Shakespearean palace intrigue of the Ides of March when Julius of non-caesarean birth fell to assassins led by crony Brutus.

    The coming days, on Matru Bhoomi, not Mount Horeb of Moasaic antiquity, won't be bloody with daggers drawn, but, like the pagan golden calf that was blasted to smithereens by G-d's elect Moshe Rabbeinu, will be fraught with betrayal as the sinking ship of Modi splinters by internal friction led by head hunters Amit and Aghori ("Et tu Amit, Yogi!") causing its implosion the shockwaves reverberating throughout the desi firma much to the delight of most voters who have seen through their chicaneries and want to desaffronise knowing saffron is synonymous with a bursting bubble, living on delusion and dying in despair, of hallucinatory pushpak blimps and chimeric animal-human cephalothoracic transplants replete with a facial snorkel, while the present and future are hi tech driven, of smart machines replacing billions of staid jobs with even doctors and surgeons on the hit list of disposables as robots and AI take over diagnosis, prescription, and cut and stitch, and doing it far better, with medicos relegated to the role of 21st century Florence Nightingales patting the heads, kissing the cheeks and pinching the bums of patients.

    The fourth industrial revolution beckons.

    Aspirational Bharat wants forward traction not regression.

    Mmm hints from the deep establishment aver this time the machines follow a reverse trend with the hidden hands fixing it @ 300 seats for INDIA that in the past was done to twice usher in the NDA now on its last legs pegged at a miserable 220 as it heads for the rubbish heap of defeat, infighting and ignominy but unlike the phoenix will never rise again with the main rivals in future polls arising from within INDIA itself. Saffronisation was an ephemeral experiment getting pulled back by the game fixers.

    The tussle for PM then begins among the movers and pushers of the newly anointed INDIA gathbandhan as poster boys and sycophants vie for the top post with change of PM possible once every year over 5 years.

    In Amethi, redolent of oily methi parathas, the roly poly Irani chai waali, now in tears and tatters, as the mitha chohara Vinci hastily switching to Rai Barley reminiscent of a viscous mustard and jau liqueur, can revert to purveying beef steaks and pork chops at her chic เคถीเค• Goa bistro with Chanel without Coco for inspiration. Space-time bending political orgasms lie ahead as the graph of the reviled cappuccino bar girl eclipses the Irani chai chick at the hustings. Mamma Mia!

  11. In all likelihood, he will remain the PM after 4 Jun too. Some guys have just no decency and ethics. Such guys can not be removed by fair means. However, imagine how shameless one needs be to live life while being treated with such derision by so many,, openly. Is it worth it? But, then, that is their strength. Teflon-coated shameless.

  12. A very poorly argued piece using shaky language suggesting nervousness and put together by joining random bits of hearsay information and panic mongering to create a Frankenstein scenario reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984 police state won't transpire

    An authoritarian state would require abrogation of the constitution and cancellation of future elections with full military backing which are ruled out in India where highly patriotic elements in uniform would fight back with the public running amok.

    More important, in a connected world, where India aspires to become the globe's third largest economy based on lies, fudged financial figures and brag, when the ground reality speaks otherwise, an authoritarian government, where mass civil disturbances, terrorism, secessionist movements and regional wars would be normative and a regime sending dissenters to the gulags, would be cut off from the world with embargoes, vetoes and sanctions snuffing out any ambition of the nation becoming a global power. India is too huge, fractious and diverse to cow down to dictatorship that even most Hindutva types wouldn't be comfortable with. India, with a rich history of uprisings against colonial and imperial powers and democratic institutions in place since decades is not North Korea or China where imperialism and communism join hands to create hell on earth.

    NDA is on its way out.

  13. As long as a fair repeat can be ordered by a large bench of the top court against proven skulduggery, there is hope enough still.

  14. "There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full."

    - Henry Kissinger

    Democracy is not suited for India where the average IQ is merely 82-83 and where poverty, hatred and corruption levels are high.

    Democracy should not end at the ballot box or EVM. Democracy should be participative post elections with the ruling party not only putting the major decisions to vote in Parliament but referring the same to the people to debate and decide and vote on. With sophisticated digital apps, a huge population with verified smart phones can vote from home if they support or oppose a proposal. It's possible to enact this situation provided the state truly believes in the welfare of its people. When democracy is a once in a 5 year exercise, the government morphs into a veiled autocracy.

    Democracy works best with small populations in civilized regions like Northern Europe where a premium is placed on reason, education, ethical values and rule of law. When people's votes count on every big issue, the state is freer of global power lobbies whose disproportionate influence enslaves a country.

    Democracy in India is a farce where religion, caste, language, buying or intimidating voters, uninformed opinions, money power and unregulated emotions rule the minds of most people. The fact that we have dozens of squabbling and venal political parties in the fray who leaders switch political affiliations faster than their undies points to the the mess the nation is in where too many cooks are not perceived as spoiling the broth but reflects the divisive or chaotic mindset of the people. Fewer the political parties, the better; the less chaos, less horse trading. I suggest a binary, of 2 political parties facing off.

    Jaisi praja, waisa raja!

    You get the rulers you deserve!

  15. Mr. Avay Shukla is convinced that irrespective of whichever button a voter presses, it is going to be registered in favour of NDA. How does he then agree with FM's husband in predicting that BJP & NDA will fall short of simple majority? Or is he preparing ground for passing on the blame to polling machines once NDA gets at least simple majority? On one hand, the lijes of Mr. Avay Shukla argue for independence of bodies like Judiciary, Election Commission etc. and then they find fault with every incumbent. The way Mr.Shukla has cast aspersions on the Judges who delivered verdict in VVPT case is very illustrative of the style popularised by PB, KS and others. When any judgement goes in their favour, they announce to the world at large that the judiciary is fair, independent. But, if the verdict is against them, they announce it to be partial. These people don't understand that citizens are in favour of the present govt continuing and want to see more benefits from developmental work being implemented by it. They make poor losers.

    1. In a democracy, the judiciary and executive are invariably subservient to the legislature with appointments and directives from the government setting the agenda. If the ruling party has a majority on its own, it's dictatorial.

      Development of India? ๐Ÿ˜‚

      Ranked 115 out of 125 countries on the global hunger index 2023 a direct outcome of low per capita income, 42 out of 50 of the world's most highly polluted cities, not 1 liveable city or town, a lousy education system, low quality R&D, imported technology used for everything, 75% of foreign investments are from corrupt Indians re-routing stolen money into the Indian share markets, highest unemployment in a decade and falling rupee against the dollar.

    2. If Shekhar Vaidya blindly assumes people want the present government to continue then as someone pointed out above why have the share markets fallen? Why did the owner of Twitter Elon Musk refuse to meet Modi on April 22 and why have Ambani, Adani and Zee TV owner Chandra dumped the BJP? The signs imply these powerful people have insider information about the certain defeat of the NDA which shows most people want a change of government.

  16. @ Yogesh Malhotra:

    Your replies are better than the blog posts. Take over this blog or set up your own. Keep it up.

  17. Yogesh Malhotra, your pieces certainly indicate that you tooought to have own blog too

  18. "The present Election Commission is the most deplorable, partisan and incompetent one we have had since 1947. It is as transparent as a block of granite, as communicative as a trappist monk with a vow of silence, and as straight as a corkscrew.".... Very graphic and apt description...4th of June is being watched keenly by the globe... Fingers crossed as we look for that chingaari of hope in this raakh kaa dher... Let us hope that "hope floats"! The phoenix emerges...

  19. Except the flowery langauge used by Avay , rest everything i.e his fears and criticism are propoganda of future Goebbles of Congis and henchman of bar bala. The comments about SC judgement ,are totally devoid of any merit. If it favors the goonda brigade of Laloo ( Patriach of All the goondas like Shahbuddin etc) than it is fine otherwise bad in law. Overall as poor as the logic of a crowd at panwala shop in at Kanpur where Avay studied. Just language and no substances except imaginary fears .

    1. "Military Men Are Dumb, Stupid Animals To Be Used As Pawns For Foreign Policy."

      - the late Henry Kissinger

      Ref: "The Final Days", chapter 14, by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

    2. @ Lt Col Anil Kumar:

      Avay Shukla has some style and a little substance but you have neither substance nor style.

      You may critique his writings but kindly refrain from using ad hominems on a public forum.

      A decent upbringing ensures a person behaves with decorum..

      Be gone.

  20. You may be IAS but you are not seeing the future of your next generation, who will suffer a lot in forthcoming years. You are simply commenting about vvpat but which is not at all possible hence Court has rejected. At what I can understand you that you are biased person. Rather Pro congressy. I can say only two things pls investigate about death of Lal Bahur Shastry , Homi Jahagir Bhabha, Sarabhai. And also think about Abdul Kalm, why Sonia is not liking him. And who put the scientist Nambiar in เคœेเคฒเคฌेเค•ोเคœ he is going to build Craogenic engine, Think and refresh your fertile brain. Hoping that you will think once again. Thank you.

    1. 2 weeks ago, on the Beer Biceps podcast, senior BJP leader Dr Subramanian Swamy said that Mr Modi is being blackmailed by China. Dr Swamy said he'd reveal the reason in the near future. There could be 2 major reasons behind China blackmailing Modi which are high corruption and/or homosexual secrets. While the latter is self-evident, the former needs corroboration though we know Modi shields the highly corrupt. His recent outburst against Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani accusing them of backing the Congress and providing the party with tempos filled with currency notes is suggestive of defeat of the NDA at the polls. A recent Intelligence Bureau report pegs the NDA at 190 seats giving the INDIA alliance a majority. Other strong indicators of the fall of the NDA are the share markets tanking by 1000 points few days ago, Elon Musk having insider information about the LS 2024 election result which signals the defeat of the NDA that made Musk cancel his April 22 business meeting with Mr Modi - why would Elon Musk waste time discussing future business investments in India with Mr Modi and his ruling party who are on their way out? Other hints of the imminent defeat of the NDA - the sudden switching of sides by Ambani, Adani and Subhash Chandra (owner of Zee TV) who have turned away from the NDA knowing the present government will be booted out June 4.

    2. Attention:

      Sgt Manoj Kumar Srivastava,

      ISRO and cryogenic engine? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

      When Mera Bharat Mahan cannot design and manufacture a car, detergent, condom or a watch without foreign collaboration, I wonder how it can ever make engines, supercomputers, rockets, missiles, mobile phones, semiconductors and television sets from scratch.

      The late Khushwant Singh boasted of Maruti being a fully India designed and made car but overlooked the technological inputs of Suzuki that provided the entire technology with India simply giving it an Indian name -"Maruti". It's the same story in all fields.

      ISRO has used three cryogenic engines over the years: KVD-1, CE-7.5, and CE-20. The last two are India-made, although the design of the CE-7.5 is based on the KVD-1, which Russia (as the Soviet Union) supplied to India in the early 1980s.

      Out goes your lie or delusion about Nambi Nambiar being the brain behind ISRO's cryogenic engine.

      Nothing in ISRO is indigenous. Everything is technology transfer or reverse engineering considering the scores of Russian space experts working in ISRO facilities.

  21. People must understand Midis recent lecture that all in last decade was trailer. Now actual game will begin. He himself described consequences. Mean Covid19, COVID vaccine all mass genocide was trailers? And his (highest ever by any PM) expensive luxury?
    Usage of Amphetamines.??Amphetamines are stimulant drugs that speed up messages between the brain and body. Lately, he has been using high doses because of the busy campaign schedule and started experiencing side effects like hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and bizarre and violent behavior. No wonder he is blabbering obnoxious words in his rallies

    1. Shri Modi announced at a recent RBI meeting on April 1 that what India has seen till now is a trailer and the near future is when the main action begins. This bold statement was made when Modi and his handler Amit Shah were under the illusion that the NDA would win the Lok Sabha election 2024 with a thumping majority but now defeat stares them in the face with the elites wanting regime change in india.

      Modi's hint of the coming main action at the RBI was a reference to the implementation of the Central Bank Digital Currency the world over by Deep State that will phase out fiat money in the form of paper currency. China is fully digital on this front and not surprisingly its citizens' digital bank accounts are linked to a social credit scoring system. Everything is under strict surveillance. Bad behavior is penalised by deducting digital currency or delaying crediting digital currency to the person's account and those accused of treason have their digital currency accounts deleted and sentenced to death.

      Whether INDIA or NDA alliance forms the new government at the centre is irrelevant because the new government will have to compulsorily implementation the Central Bank Digital Currency followed by a social credit scoring system at a later date.

      INDIA will form the next government post June 4.

    2. @ Ajay Sawhney

      I'm waiting to see the dark side of Rahul Gandhi when he becomes PM of India next month when he's forced from behind the scenes to do away with currency notes and introduce the Central Bank Digital Currency with the draconian powers that go with it with the state having the final veto over people's digital bank accounts. With digital adhar card and digital currency, we become slaves of the government. Demonetization and lockdown of a few years ago were baby steps before the police state that's coming. Who knows they'll make it mandatory to get a digital vaccination passport in the form of a brain chip to travel, work, socialise, study, and buy and sell. All this is on the agenda for India and the rest of the the world . Shudders.

    3. Modi thought he would be assigned the task of announcing the sudden annulling of paper currency through a televised speech as it was with demonetization and lockdown and the implementation of the Central Bank Digital Currency when he told the executives at the RBI on April Fools Day (April 1) that what happened in the past was a "trailer" and the main job lies ahead. Obviously, Modiji was hinting at the introduction of the authoritarian Central Bank Digital Currency but now with the NDA on its way out, INDIA alliance will be tasked with the Orwellian job.

    4. Final thoughts:

      Digital Currency + Digital Aadhar Card + Digital Vaccine Passport + Digital Social Behaviour Card will be interlinked to trap people into complete submission failing which they'll be shut out of all socio-economic activities and as a result become paupers or worse will be done to them.

      This Is the agenda for India and the rest of the world as the world police state arises.

      In India, Hindutva and secularism are smokescreens and will be discarded once the police state comes into existence. In such a draconian scenario, the constitution with all its democratic and secular laws becomes redundant and will be flung aside with the only difference being INDIA alliance will be ushering in the worst parts of the police state in this country. My head's spinning.

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    6. Ajay Sawhney/Keen Observer

      Toh jab Bharat ka future ka darawna agenda pehle se hi fixed hai it won't matter yeh lok sabha election kaun jeetega chahe INDIA gatbandhan ya NDA kyu ki jo bhi puppet party power me aayegi unko same agenda ko implement karna hai - digital currency, social behaviour card, vaccine passport etc. Aisi sthiti me constitution apne aap khatam ho jayega aur phir yeh baat pakki hai ki yeh aakhri chunaav hoga kyu ki iske baad police state hogi is desh me.

    7. Adesh Shrivastava,

      Yes, this is the last election in India.

      Over the next 5 years, the police state will be forced on the people with all institutions already subverted to aid its quick implementation.

      It doesn't matter which puppet political party - INDIA or NDA - forms the next government at the centre because the authoritarian agenda of outlawing paper currency and introducing central digital currency, digital vaccine passport and digital social credit card remains the same. The constitution automatically becomes redundant and will be cast out.

      The elections are a farce.

      Han jee, sahi baat kahi hai aapne.

      Stay safe

  22. Another possibility is the Myanmar model, in defiance of the 'Gora's. China will have the last laugh. They can't ask for a more subservient regime and better trade gap๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Dear Mr. Shukla, I agree most whole heartedly with everything that you have written in your blog. Thank you so much for this blog and all your previous ones that I have always keenly awaited and subsequently consumed most heartily. I'm sure that like me, your pieces have also brought immense joy to your countless other fans who believe that your writing is a perfect blend of style and substance. Along with wishing you greater success in your journey ahead, I'll continue to look forward to being constantly entertained by your exceptionally honest, insightful and stimulating pieces.

    Meanwhile, considering my extreme distrust for Modi the man and his vision for India, I cannot but be apprehensive about how his lust for power will drive him to unfairly subvert a legitimate opposition victory into a 3rd term for himself. Besides being an unscrupulous, dishonest and unethical ruling party, BJP has several factors in its favour that can help Modi manipulate a BJP/NDA win.

    As 10 years of Modi rule have significantly weakened India's once thriving democratic and independent state institutions, the party will unhesitatingly utilize its burgeoning cash coffers, extensive cadre base, etc., to its unfair advantage. Further, the courts summarily dismissing the petition for the mandatory counting of the VVPAT slips, the deplorable Election Commission, the non-existent media, the deeply polarised religious climate in the country, etc., will also work in Modi's favour.

    Therefore, considering the above circumstances, I believe my fears are legitimate. However, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping that despite all the powers at Modi's command, miraculously, truth will miraculously triumph, thereby resurrecting our precious national motto Satyamev Jayate.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. TRAILER Ke Baad...

    There's a growing rift between the RSS and BJP as the BJP distances itself from the Hindutva agenda as indicated by J P Nadda, BJP national president, in a recent interview to the Indian Express. This is because the main work of the new government, be it INDIA or NDA, is the execution of the world digital ID agenda covering digital currency, (CBDC), digital vaccination certificate, digital social credit score card and the like - all tying into each other. No matter who wins Lok Sabha 2024, the implementation of the digital ID agenda remains the paramount task. Under such circumstances where digital dictatorship replaces democratic values, the constitution loses its relevance and will fall by the wayside.

    INDIA or NDA? The elites want regime change. Yet, as said earlier, whichever puppet side forms the government post June 4, its prime aim will be the establishment of the police state via digital tyranny.

    Australia just passed the digital ID law 3 days ago.

    Nations are racing to enact the digital ID plan.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. It is Heartening to observe Participation by Middle Level PBORs ( Sgt Das/ Srivastava)
    in these Discussions.It is indicative not only of the reach
    of this Blog but active and keen interest in such Discussions by a section of population which was rarely visible in such Discussions involving issues concerning the Nation.
    What is presented in the Replies and reactions to the Blog by Avay Shukla is Frightening and A Dooms Day Spectacle.
    Let us All Pray as we watch with bated Breath the Events Unfolding in the aftermath of the Decleration of Results on the 04th of Jine.

    1. Mr Goyal, No idea who you are. Me in cyberworld since 1998. Does my prestigious rank pinches you?? Do I need be a high profile commissioned officer/ Class1 Gazetted offr to write here? Am I ordered we Sgts not citizen of India? Pls change ugly mind set. Jaihind.๐Ÿ™

    2. Mr. Goyal. That was unnecessarily rude. While you may have a very high opinion of yourself and a clear idea of the company you wish to keep, insulting someone who isn't an "officer" is just obnoxious. BTW, all the unnecessary capitalization in your response shows that you still have some ways to go as far as the English language goes, your high rank in whatever service you were in notwithstanding.

  27. # PBOR - an obnoxious expression that sums up post modern indiya.
    this peculiar construct may not exist in any other military. expanded the acronym reads - personnel below officer rank. the term excludes all ranks below the commissioned officer, viz lieutenant. it excludes junior commissioned officers, subedars, subedar majors; it excludes master warrant officers, master chief petty officers of the air force and navy; it excludes non commissioned officers, viz havildar major, flight sergeant, havildar, sergeant, petty officer, etc.
    what has escaped our status [caste] obsessed english medium indiya is that warrant officers, non commissioned officers are very much officers. or else the nomenclature would not include the word officer.
    maybe this is why the incidence of fragging is so high in the indian military, and why we have never had a military coup. the commissioned officers imagine they are of a different class, from a different demographic than the enlisted ranks, suvarna caste. the irony is that the overwhelming majority of commissioned officers in all three forces are sons of non commissioned officers, warrant officers, junior commissioned officers, who secured a place especially reserved for sons of enlisted ranks at sainik schools, military schools, RIMC, did well at the NDA selection and went on to be commissioned, ditto those who attend IMA, Air Force Academy, Naval Academy after attending university.
    to subscribe to silly terms such as PBOR is an obscenity. and until we in our country abandon the absurdity of mouthing direct IAS, promotee IAS, etc, let us not bang on and on about shenanigans of netas. there is something rotten in the state of denmark, and we are all culpable. we are not sahibs, even if we drink whisky, play golf, and imagine we live in pg wodehouse inglistan.

    1. Yes. Sergeant in IAF are Senior Non Commissioned officers with Admin powers.SNCO designation is upto MWO in IAF.
      While same RAF/RAAF,a LAC can fly. Sergeant can fly. They dnt have even Officers Mess word ๐Ÿ™

  28. People said same in 2019 that if Mr Modi comes to power ,democracy will be lost ...
    The elections are heldin 2024.
    Pl await till 2029 and watch it again .

    1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Democracy already lost. Constitution null & void. It's Dictatorship in BJP rules region under Ram.

    2. Avay Shukla has spotlighted the apprehensions of many Indians who are against Modi’s imprimatur of nationalistic, authoritarian and divisive governance.

      Perhaps a reverse scenario may be analysed. If Modi fails to get across the finish line, it will be interesting to see how he performs from opposition benches. Given that he is not a politician used to sitting there for a day these past 22 years, his hold over the party might be put to the test. Consequently, this BJP may get restructured, unidentifiable from its pre-election avatar that is today regulated expressly by Modi. There could then emerge at least 6 - in the lower rungs as of now - who may raise a noise challenging his blanket supremacy. The RSS will almost certainly become its assertive self again, reinvigorated with “we-told-you-so” tinctures. Fissures might be observed in the structure that is today a granite monolith.

      If Modi makes it across and he well may, the rise in the stock market indices could create many rupee millionaires. But it is the social fabric of the demography that is of prime interest, which he has this far stretched to a tearing limit. What Modi may do to further his Hindutva agenda is the foremost matter of extrapolation. His domestic policy has hitherto been invidiously architectured against Islamic minorities, be it food, clothing, housing, education, employment or bulldozer. Contrastingly, he transforms into the ultimate statesman on foreign policy, arrogating to himself the mantle of Leader of the Global South. The UCC, the examinations and investigations under more mosques for temple evidences, the implementation of the CAA in conjunction with the pending NRC, further changes to education, citizen rights, freedom, liberties, digital storage of people’s data with the state, right to privacy, freedom of speech and more….these social cornerstones will be pivoted on the extent of the majority that this regime secures. The acolytes have begun expressing their need to garner seats above 400 in order to change the Constitution for their tasks ahead. Ominous amplifications, these…

      Perhaps Mr. Shukla has focused on what could be the nation’s point of inflexion come the 4th June.

  29. The state of affairs in the country after 67 years (till 2014) of independence is the reflection of poor quality of sycophant bureaucrats, like the blogger, this country had. On one side you say the elections are managed through EVM and other side you say NDA will fall short of majority. Isn't there a complete hypocracy in your blog. Most comments here are in favour of the blogger, which shows their sycophancy for congress and extreme hate for Modi. Do you all want the country to be divided based on caste, which your idiotic leadear RG and all his INDI partners had been talking about during the entire election campaign.? Do you want the redistribution of wealth? Do you want that manifestos to be made only for minorities? God save this country from the so called pseudo sickulars & pseudo intellectuals.

    1. Could you please define the term "pseudo-intellectual" by contrasting it with an intellectual? Do you know the true meaning of secularism not the perverted meaning of it which is to accord equal respect to all faiths? Do you favour a benighted theocracy?

      Thank you in advance.

  30. Fabulous, fabulous piece! Couldn't be bettered. Fully, fully agree, unreservedly - both with the trajectory of events and the dystopic apprehensions enveloping Indiascape today.

  31. “Its no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."

    - Lewis Carroll

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.
