Friday 7 July 2023


    It would appear that Himachal's first-time Chief Minister, Mr. Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, has made a fairly good start to his innings, which is just about six months old. He has kept the old guards and family dynasts in good humour, implemented some of the campaign promises, rolled back a few BJP decisions and has initiated steps to augment the state's revenues, reeling from a debt of more than Rs. 70000 crores. But I must confess that I am sorely disappointed with his government in one important respect- he has turned a blind eye to the progressive ruin and destruction of the state's natural environment, and is following in the disastrous footsteps of his predecessors. And that has to be a cause for worry and concern.

   Indian politicians, across parties, have mastered what V.S.Naipaul in his book AREA OF DARKNESS terms "the art of non-seeing." And in this respect at least Mr. Sukhu is no different from his brethren- he refuses to see the writing on the mountain walls- the loss of forest cover, the rapid melting of glaciers (a recent ICIMODE report says that 80% of Himalayan glaciers would have vanished by 2100), the risk of flooding by bursting of glacial lakes(GLOF), the rampant over-construction and over-tourism that is not only devastating the landscape but also posing an imminent danger to the state's citizens. He has learnt no lessons from Uttarkashi, and continues to pursue the same disastrous policies of previous governments. He has spouted a lot of rhetoric about making Himachal a "green state" (whatever that means) and becoming "carbon neutral" but none of this has translated into any policy decision or action on the ground. One had hoped that he would fashion a new paradigm of  environment friendly and sustainable "development" but that hope is gradually turning to despair. Let me focus on just three major areas to prove my point, areas which I had mentioned in an earlier blog ( HIMACHAL NEEDS A NEW GREEN AGENDA-NOW dated 13th January, 2023), which I had posted when he was elected.

   The biggest disaster in the making is the recently notified Shimla Development Plan 2041 (SDP41). This astounding piece of bureaucratic ignorance and apathy is a death warrant for Shimla and thousands of its residents, living as they do in a seismic zone 4 area. It permits construction in hitherto prohibited areas- the core and heritage zones; it allows five floors in the non-core areas where currently only 2+1 floors are allowed; it will, after more than twenty years of strict prohibition, enable people (read builders and hoteliers) to construct in the only remaining green lungs of Shimla- the 400 hectares of forests comprising the Green Belt of the town. The stated objective of the SDP 41 is to TRIPLE- yes, TRIPLE- the town's population (from two lakhs in the 2011 census to six lakhs by 2040). A town which even now cannot provide parking for residents and tourists, where it takes 30 minutes to move two kilometers; a town which suffers an acute shortage of water every year; a town where dead bodies have to be carried over rooftops in certain areas because the lanes are not wide enough to permit it; a town which once was a pedestrian's delight but where you now walk at your own risk; a town where there are 20000 irregular buildings already since no govt. has mustered the political will to take action against them.

   Each and every one of these provisions have been incorporated against the advice of the government's own expert committees and objective town planners. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) had struck down this SDP41in 2018; the state High Court too quashed it a couple of years later, dismissing the state's appeal. The previous BJP government had the filed an appeal in the Supreme Court which this May passed a strange order: without going into the merits of the case, or reasons on the basis of which both the NGT and HC had struck down the SDP41, it allowed the government to notify the new Plan but said that the government would not act upon it for a month thereafter! To be sure, the state govt. may not act upon it just yet, but you can be sure that the builders have already started acting on it. We are gradually becoming inured to puzzling orders from the apex court but this particular one surely has to take the cake, if not the bakery. Why not maintain status quo till the case is finally decided on merits? Has the court forgotten Uttarkashi so soon?

                              (A view of Shimla, possibly hidden from our policy makers!)

   One had expected that the new state govt. would withdraw the state's appeal in the Supreme Court, and respect and abide by the decisions of the NGT and the High Court, especially now that no elections are due for the next five years. But it is apparent that the pressure from the builders' lobby is even now as strong and irresistible as it was with the previous govt. and Mr. Sukhu has not been able to withstand it. Some day the residents of Shimla will pay for this in blood, broken bones and shattered dreams, but who cares as long as the EVMs churn out the right numbers? 

   The second issue that concerns the state's environment is the reckless obsession with building and widening roads, without any care for the fragile terrain or the large scale displacement of people it causes. As many as 69 National Highway projects have been approved, of which 5 are four-lane highways, including Shimla-Mataur, Pathankot-Mandi. Kiratpur-Manali and Parwanoo-Shimla. These may be good news for Mr. Gadkari's annual targets, or for the coffers of politicians and engineers, but they are the last things Himachal needs. Four laning in mountainous terrain is enormously destructive, causing deforestation and landslides for years: the Parwanoo-Shimla NH was declared completed in 2021 after five years' delay, but landslides continue even today, closing down two lanes for months. It is no coincidence that this particular NH and the Manali one were the worst effected by the torrential rains in the last half of June this year, stranding thousands of commuters and tourists for as long as 24 hours at a stretch. This happens every year, but the govt. goes on adding more such projects every year. It should give up this four laning madness and concentrate only on PMGSY and District rural roads: the latter are needed, the former are not.

   Even otherwise, mountains don't need four lane highways which may be suited for the plains. They increase vehicular traffic exponentially ( Shimla police records show that vehicles entering Shimla this year have gone up by 25%), causing pollution, traffic jams and clogging the towns where there is just no space to park so many vehicles. Shimla has parking for only 6000 vehicles, but as many as 15000-20000 arrive from outside every day during season time (these are in addition to the 100,000 or so locally registered vehicles!). The result ? Shimla police have said that 60000 vehicles are unauthorisedly parked on the roads, and it takes an average of 90 minutes to go from one end of the town to the other, a distance of barely 7 kms. Things are exactly the same in Manali, Dharamsala, Solan, Palampur, Kasauli. 10000 vehicles cross the Atal tunnel every day, all tourists! It is simply not feasible to construct supporting infrastructure for these numbers in this kind of terrain. We should be discouraging more vehicles entering the state; four laning of highways will only encourage more and more vehicles to crowd the roads and cities, making them unlivable. One expected that the new Chief Minister would roll back this madness but instead he has requested the Centre for more such roads!

   The ambitiously christened Mandi International Airport is another instance where the Chief Minister has disappointed. There is no need for this quixotic project: all three existing airports in the state do not function to even 50% of their capacity, so why build another one? Especially when the environmental and social costs are enormous, in terms of felling of thousands of trees, concretising hundreds of acres, diversion of streams and displacement of a thousand farming families. Even the financial costs are staggering- Rs. 5220 crores- for a state which has a debt overburden of Rs. 80000 crores and finds it difficult to pay salaries and pensions on time. Any objective cost-benefit analysis would result in this project being thrown into the dustbin. (A more detailed analysis of this project can be found in my blog MAND AIRPORT IS HIMACHAL'S OWN CENTRAL VISTA DISASTER, dated 22nd October, 2021  at <>. But Mr. Sukhu is going ahead with this project on all four cylinders.

   Sadly, these instances prove only the obvious- that the environment does not concern the Indian politician, no matter which party he belongs to. It does not appear to concern the voter either or the various Whatsapp groups and so it can be milked for profit every time. And it's we, the people, who are to blame for we do not call them out, are content with short term benefits, lack a vision for the future generations, and do not make this precious natural heritage an election issue. We forget that we have not inherited the natural environment from our ancestors, we have taken it as a loan from our children, and have to return it to them. We are defaulting on this loan on a massive scale.


  1. I could not agree more with the critical environmental concerns raised here... We are not just facing certain self destruction, we have actually crafted it carefully over the years of reckless, criminal apathy to the environmental consequences of our greed.. Gandhiji's quote of the earth having enough for every man's need not not for his greed being replaced completely by 'first past the post and the devil takes the hindmost' style of ravaging depleting natural resources that sustain human lifelines! Greta thunberg's anguish and the principle of "interdependence of phenomena" notwithstanding WWE have charted a self destruction road map from which we can only be rescued by each citizen pledging to take the road less travelled of doing a daily audit to reduce our carbon footprint that has is already Yeti sized and we are blissfully unaware!

  2. Having been born, brought up and educated in Simla not Shimla I have seen the Queen of the Hills in all her pristine beauty.
    Today this Dowager is in tattered and torn rags!
    Alas and alack things are only only getting worse.

  3. It's like talking Green stuff to a person who has already jumped off the cliff. As a society led by our super myopic politicians, we are too far down the line of suicidal industrialism to backtrack. Voting the 'right' sort of people to power in a viciously unequal society like ours is simply wishful thinking. Maybe if we put a good fraction of our budgets into meaningful Education (which in HP is a joke), a silver lining may appear....

  4. Avay Shukla's anguish is shared. However, the insanity in Himachal is experienced everywhere else in India.
    If urban retirees who have chosen to become hillbillies in its paradisiacal lap take up the gauntlet to pursue change by presenting feasible solutions, the government of the day may be brought upon to act. It is fatuous to expect employed civil servants to present their masters with stunning alternatives to the rapacious denuding of State assets, when the threat of a transfer to Naxal Geographic looms perennially during service - Mr. Shukla may vouch perhaps. Himachal Pradesh houses civil and defence retirees in numbers probably exceeding any other place. Unburdened from bullying superiors and insatiable ministers, these elites could offer deep answers instead of rattling alarming statistics at the biannual bawl. Himachal could then be restored in some part to its erstwhile divinity with tourists partaking in its beauty without the guilt of suffocating its residents.

    An alternative to the traffic mesh at hill stations could be a stoppage of all fossil fuelled vehicles beyond an identified point, with electric transportation taking over thereafter - public and private. And horsepower complementing such movement in the equine sense. This proposal has been floated for Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra and is in advanced stages of consideration. Except that the future of the current Maharashtra government is also in an advanced stage of consideration. The tiny hill town of Matheran, just 80 kilometres off Mumbai, permits only horses and horse carts within its set periphery.

    Electric mobility presupposes the availability of electricity. Projects of the hydel and surface kind are inevitable therefore in every State of India, Himachal being no different. He (or she) is a greenhorn who imagines a State bypassing development, yet maintaining plenitude. A settlement between the pristine and progressive will have to be arrived at if the people of a geography wish to attain prosperity while retaining their roots. The populace must establish for itself the parameters of permittance.

    If Avay Shukla desires to walk uninterrupted on a trafficless Mall Road or take in the magnificence of the massive Dhauladhar while breathing oxygenated air, he must accept the sacrifice of some hectares of unspoilt green slopes on the altar of State economy. And present cogent options towards human and vehicular management in the crowded towns of Himachal rather than draw periodic commiseration on the violation of his beloved State. I bleed with him, but….

  5. A disaster which has been in the making for decades.
    I remember having commented on one of your blogs earlier of being born there and then growing up in Simla in 60s. Went out into the wider world in the 70s. Sold our house in Simla in the 80s and now, whenever going there for a visit, avoiding even looking in the direction of where our house used to be. Went there once, sat & cried my heart out before promising myself that I would NEVER again go up to Daizy Bank.
    The then and now explains the disaster that is Simla.
    Development - A joke and the strangest word to describe what has happened to what actually used to be the 'queen of the hills'

  6. Has Rahul Gandhi been informed of sukhu's following in BJP's footsteps?
