Friday 19 May 2023


   Now that the Karnataka elections are done and dusted (at least until Mr. Amit Shah launches the 2023 version of Operation Kamala), the media and social media are going bananas debating the impact of Bharat Jodo Yatra on it, the contributions of EVMs and ATMs to the final vote tally, whether Kumaraswamy will now shift permanently to Singapore, and if resort owners should be given a one time tax waiver to compensate for the loss of income as no horse trading was needed to form the government. But there are a couple of other issues of import that bother me.

  About 50 million years ago, the Indian plate, drifting across the Tethys sea from south of Australia, crashed into the Eurasian plate to create the present day Indian sub-continent. Mr. Modi and his merry band, as ignorant of geology as they are of history, may have triggered a second continental drift-but this in time in reverse, with the peninsular part of the sub-continent (comprising the five southern states) drifting away from the mainland.

Karnataka has decisively shut the southern gate for the BJP. Whatever slim chances it had of making in-roads into Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in 2024 have disappeared like the triumphant smile on Mr. Modi's visage. Consequently, we now effectively have two Indias, with little in common, and certainly no trust, between them. One can almost call it a second partition- of the mind, that is- and this may yet turn out to be the BJP's lasting legacy for the country.

  The gap between the southern states and the rest of India has been growing over the years (since before 2014) and is now taking the shape of an unbridgeable chasm. In all indicators which determine the health of a nation or society- economic, demographic, developmental, governance- the southern states are beginning to look like they are on a different continent from the rest of India. Take that most basic of indicators, Per Capita Income, of the five southern states and compare it with the five "Hindu heartland" states of the north. The table below gives the position for 2020-21, at current prices:

STATE                 PER CAPITA INCOME (in Rs.)   RANK

Karnataka            236451                                             5

Telengaga            231103                                             7

Tamil Nadu         212174                                             9

Kerala                 205067                                             11

Andhra P            192360                                             16

Rajasthan           115933                                              25

Madhya P           104894                                             28

Jharkhand           71071                                               31

U.P.                    61666                                                32

Bihar                  43605                                               33

India Av.             74567

(It can be noticed that all the southern states are far above the national average, whereas 3 of the northern states are well below it).

   The same pattern repeats itself for other indicators like literacy rates, Total Fertility Rates, infant mortality, poverty ratios, unemployment etc. I could give the comparative figures but it would take up too much space: those interested could google them on government web sites. But here is another significant statistic: 30% of the national GDP is contributed by the southern states, even though they constitute only 18.2% of the country's population. And yet, when it comes to central FC (Finance Commission) devolutions, they receive far less than the Hindi heartland states, thanks to TORs (Terms of Reference) that reward inefficient tax collections, bad governance, poverty ratios and population increase. As per the 15th F.C. recommendations the Union Budget 2023-24 provides Rs. 1,83,237 crores to U.P., more than the amount provided to all the five southern states put together ( Rs.1,61,386 crores). The five northern states mentioned in the table above have cumulatively received Rs.4,66,488 crores, almost three times their southern counterparts.

  The south sees this as discrimination which, to be fair, has been happening since before 2014 but has been made worse now by changing the TORs of the F.C. But what has further exacerbated this simmering discontent is the politics of the BJP since coming to power. It continues to push Hindi down southern throats by fiddling with educational syllabi, renaming campaigns where only Hindi is the preferred choice (the latest being the proposed amendment to change the Forest Conservation Act to Van Sanrakshan evam Samvardhan Adhiniyam), the systematic confrontation of Governors with elected governments, the latest instance being the Tamil Nadu Governor's suggestion that the name of the state should be changed! There is little consideration for feelings, emotions, sensitivities or even history south of the Vindhyas.

  But what may now be bringing the kettle to a boil is the BJP's attempt to impose its anti-Muslim, hyper nationalistic, Hindutva ideology on the southern states. It fails to realise, with its ignorance of history, that the South wants no part of this bigotry and religious hatred of minorities. For one, its Hinduism is as deep rooted as that of its northern cousins with an equally long, if not longer, history and traditions. Two, the Hinduism of the south does not suffer from the paranoia and insecurity of the north because the Mughals came to the south very late in their reign, when the fervour for demolishing temples had waned considerably and had been replaced by a more mature politics of trade and cooperation. Three, the south was far removed, geographically, from the horrors of Partition, and therefore its two major communities have no reason to fear or hate each other. Four, it has lived in harmony with the other sizeable minority, the Christians, for centuries, ever since Saint Francis Xavier landed on the shores of Goa in May,1542.

  Notwithstanding the above, the BJP has been trying for years to stir the religious cauldron in the south, and had made Karnataka its southern laboratory in the run-up to these elections. With the help of a hijacked government it tried everything- hijab, halal, Tipu Sultan, removal of quota for Muslims, Bajrangbali- but failed miserably. In the process, however, it has widened the north-south divide and made the latter even more suspicious of not only the BJP but all political parties north of the Vindhyas.

  A perception and feeling is growing in the southern states that the north is acting as a drag on their development and progress, cornering all national resources for their own benefit. Even worse, there is now also a fear, ever since the BJP assumed power in Delhi, that they are being politically marginalised. The apparition that haunts them is the impending delimitation of Parliamentary constituencies on the basis of revised population figures, which is due in 2026. So far the exercise has been kept in suspended animation since 1971. It is a contentious issue since the southern states are likely to lose out: they have done much better than the cow belt states in controlling population growth, and will therefore lose many seats once current population figures or projections are taken into account for allocating seats in Parliament.

  If the 2011 census is made the basis for the delimitation then four northern states ( U.P., Bihar, MP and Rajasthan) shall gain 22 seats while the four southern states (AP, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telengana) are set to lose 17 seats. (Their position gets progressively worse with each succeeding census). What this means for them is that delimitation will only push them further into the political margins, if population figures do not continue to remain frozen. Doing that, however, may require a constitutional amendment, and the south has every reason to suspect that the BJP would not be inclined to bring in such an amendment. Its main support base is the cow-belt states, it is irrelevant in the south, and it would be happy to gain seats in the northern states to consolidate its power. And it may already be working in that direction with its usual foresight and thoroughness: the new Parliament building is reported to have space for 884 members of the Lok Sabha, against the current strength of 543- something which the southern states have not missed noticing.

  To put it in pure geological terms, the peninsular plates are currently under a lot of tension and tectonic pressure. A victory for the BJP in 2024 could result in their beginning to shift, a continental drift we could do without and should all be worried about. This, perhaps, is one context in which we should be looking at the BJP's loss in Karnataka.



  1. hat an until recently member of an all india services and now an occupant of a raj bhavan is raising such valid questions on statutes provided for in the provisions of articles 1 to 4 of the constitution, and enacted into the first schedule, specifically the procedure mandated in the proviso to art. 3 is typical of our post 1947 nobility. while nobility, and the earlier aristocracy, were always above the law for commoners, however for even these babucracy's peers of ram rajya, treason would not be brooked. to plead ignorance of Madras State (Alteration of Name) Act, 1968 (53 of 1968) would be to plead ignorantia juris non excusat. to whit, nemo censetur ignorare legem ; ignorantia iuris nocet. the former translates as nobody is thought to be ignorant of the law, and the latter as not knowing the law is harmful.
    not too much credence can be given to so called per capita income. just as we had shied away, until 2014 that is, from publishing a consumer price index, preferring to extrapolate from the wholesale price indexes, similarly we continue to not publish median household income figures within a city, of a city, of a district, of a state. that telengaga [sic] is higher on your league table than andhra puts paid to the whinge that coastal andhra was wealthy while the telengana hinterland remained poor, was kept poor, and hence andhra pradesh be bifurcated. ditto that bihar's per capita income stands at 60 percent of jharkhand would be a revelation for the residents of khunti, lohardaga, gumla. for the householders across marathwada the high ranking of maharashtra skewed by bombay would reinvigorate the demand for their own state and legislature.

  2. The overthrown regime in its arrogance and ignorance attempted to foist its restrictive ideology upon Karnataka after it got its backdoor entry into the state. It was shown the front door exit. Now the supposedly largest party in the world is shut out from the whole of South India, a very wounding political fall. With this the geographic divide of India below and above Madhya Pradesh coincides with the line of BJP-mukt Dakshin Bharat.

    The per capita income divide charted in the blog illuminates the differentiation of the southern states from those geographically above. This economic yardstick is reflective of the South population's willingness to exist in harmony notwithstanding their interfaith differences. A place where schismatic strategising through insidious provocation by a religiously driven regime can and will be met with rejection.

    Although the fissures brought out by Avay Shukla are real, yet, they will not be deep and destructive to detach the South from the country politically. It would be extended inventiveness to conjure an irreversible fractioning of the north and south.The Constitution has preserved and protected the nation for 75 years, and despite entering into a boulderous Amrit Kaal, the time ahead is not envisaged as one leading to a political or cultural takeover of the southern states. The precipitous effort in the recent past by the Home Minister, to pedestalise Hindi as the language over Tamil comes to mind. He had to eat crow immediately.

    While tectonic or climatic disturbances cannot be vouched for, political pugilism will be awarded a black eye. Avay Shukla's reliance on per capita income, alongwith the other social parameters referenced, collectively are an undeniable barometer to the restiveness in the north versus south dichotomy.

  3. Modiji is smarter than you think. It is precisely due to the current tectonic upheavals occurring the Southern Peninsula that he has "promoted" Rijuju to the Ministry of Earth Sciences.

  4. Points raised by Avay Shukla Ji are relevant. The BJP/RSS need to discard their myopia while looking at India. South Indian (all these states being littoral)
    languages, people and economy have interacted with the numerous civilisations all through the history and have benefitted from trade and cultural exchanges. Hindi did not have that privilege. North suffered from invasions continually. South had exchanges through maritime trade. These reflect in popular temperament. South absorbs foreign influences, embraces English as its own language, allowed Jews, Syrian Catholic, Arab Muslims and Parsees to settle down, build synagogues, churches, mosques and Parsi temples, borrowed vocabulary in ample measure. Hindi stayed landlocked. What Tamil Nadu thinks today, would dawn over the Hindiwallas a decade later. MGR implemented Midday Meals scheme in 1979. It took nearly two decades for mandarins in Delhi to realise its potential in improving literacy (if not the nutritional value it imparted). The southern states realised the value of English (as a conduit of new technology as well as exporting technically skilled personnel to oil-rich Sheikhdoms) soon after the Independence and tightened their embrace with the language. Oil boom in the West Asia averted the Red Revolution in Kerala which was about to explode with an abundantly literate population reaching for the jugular of the administrators. Remittances from three million Malayalis working in the Gulf today fuel the economy of the State.
    Atavistic phobias will not help the North to measure up to today's challenges. They must open up and see the wider world. Mughals might have done to them what they did to Buddhists and Jainis in the previous eras. How far into the history one is willing to go to dig up rivalries, hostilities and enmities to encash them politically. India has immense potential to emerge as yet another manufacturing hub on par with China. But fears and phobias fanned and fostered by the flunkies and favourites of the parivar keep fueling the furnace of hatred in the North as could be experienced while travelling in a train through the Gangetic plains. It is time all such elements are shown the exit door as did the people in Karnataka.

  5. This blog is by a respectable retired IAS officer.
    A very well written blog indeed...
    It has too many misconceptions arising out of faulty understanding of the ground realities, and the blogger is far too cynical for comfort.

    Now here is a riposte by another respectable retired IAS officer (reproduced):

    Avay Shukla has some serious grudge against the BJP and NaMo in particular. He writes against NaMo with respect to every action - demonetization, GST, new Parliament, CAA, etc. He is against everything.
    As to Karnataka, in this state no government for a long time has come for a second term. Karnataka has not had a good government from the days of Devraj Urs or for that matter SM Krishna.
    INC promised the moon and there are enough people to believe them. Also, INC got more seats due to decline and fall of JD(S). All Volkkaliga and Muslim votes of JD(S) went to INC.
    While it is true BJP has right now no presence in the South, this equally applies to INC.
    A bad local government, inactive and corrupt local BJP MLAs, all resulted in the party's very poor performance. But the vote share of BJP is the same as before - may be a marginal decline.
    JP Nadda has to ensure all these faults are corrected.
    Modi cannot be compared to a convict or Priyanka who are the only faces of INC at the national level.
    Regional parties will pose a challenge but they cannot unite.
    As to the leaders like Modi, Amit Shah, Yogi, Himanta, their stature is very high and there is no one to match them.
    Please ignore Avay Shukla.
    I never read his rantings.

    PS. Why are all the MPs so inactive and in fact invisible?
    They have to be seen by the people and play a part in solving their problems. There is too much reliance on NaMo's charisma. Our MPs must reach out to every voter and explain the work done at all levels and the benefits that people have got. You cannot sleep when the opposition is getting stronger, backed by the Lutyen's media.

    1. Um, does this respectable retired IAS officer who never reads Avay's rantings have a name?

    2. What govt does, to tell that they have a Cabinet Minister, Info & Braodcasting & 100s TV channels. Its our job to tell any govt, Congress, BJP, Janata Dal: WHAT THEY ARE NOT DOING. This is not a grudge but DUTY.

  6. As usual, Mr.Shukla has written an eminently readable article about the almost unbridgeable differences between the north and the south, a distance which is growing day by day. However, I would like to correct him regarding his opinion about Christianity in the south.
    Christianity did not come to India with the Portuguese and Francis Xavier. It came as early as 52 AD, when one of the apostles of Christ, named Thomas, landed in Muziris (present-day Kodungalloor in Kerala) and converted a whole lot of people to Christianity, and whose descendants, known as the Syrian-Christians, continue to live in Kerala. This is one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, pre-dating the Christianity of much of Europe. Locally, they were known as 'Nazranis' (followers of Jesus of Nazareth) and played a significant role in the socio-economic and cultural history of the state of Kerala. Their customs and practices, their attire, their eating habits etc, were similar to those of their Hindu brethren and they lived in total harmony with nature and their fellow-men; there has never been any sort of communal clashes between them and Hindus.
    These are all aspects of Indian history which most people, especially in north India, are almost totally unaware of.

  7. I'm grateful for the clarification and additional information, Mr. Vallikappen. It reinforces the fact of inter-religion harmony, co-existence and amity that has prevailed in the south for centuries. May it continue to act as a bulwark against the machinations of politicians from the north.
