Friday 14 January 2022


   I am gradually getting convinced of two things: one, all this ozone rattling by various COPs is getting us nowhere; and two, that economists do not live on the same planet that you and I do. This was brought home to me conclusively last Sunday night when I was listening to Ruchir Sharma being interviewed by Prannoy Roy. Mr. Sharma, giving us the ten top trends for 2022, expressed alarm at India's dropping birth rate ( we are now below replacement level for the first time ) and said that this was bad news, it would result in a drop in GDP and make it impossible for India to join the ranks of the developed countries. He further enlarged this Cassandra type prediction by warning the hugely impressed Prannoy Roy that no country with a declining fertility rate had ever done well economically. My jaw dropped to the floor and was retrieved only just in time for dinner. An explanation is in order.

  Forget for a moment that, at eight billion souls, the planet is already overpopulated twice over and that experts have estimated that global population is likely to stabilise at about 11 billion by 2100. Forget that 77 million were added to the world population last year. Forget that if, every country enjoyed the living standards of the USA we would need five more Earth size planets to supply their wants. Forget also that the best quality of life is enjoyed by countries with low population growth- Japan, South Korea, the Scandinavian countries, New Zealand, even China nowadays. Let us look at our own country.

  India's population is about 1.4 billion, give or take a few million small change. 400 million of them are below the poverty line which, at US$ 2 per day itself suffers from a poverty of imagination. The unemployment rate is 8% and the LPR ( Labour Participation Rate) at 40% shows that people have even  given up looking for non existent jobs. Recently in U.P thousands of PHDs and law graduates applied for the jobs of drivers- and didn't get them. And these are figures for the formal sector: the state of the informal sector- Mr. Amit Shah's " pakoda wallahs"- is far worse. The much touted " demographic dividend" is now a demographic NPA and is sitting on its collective backside waiting for the economists to be proved right.

  We simply can't cope with these numbers of people; we can't ensure them health, education, jobs, social security, a stable social environment, safety- all, incidentally, fundamental rights under the Constitution. Farmers migrate to the cities in their millions every year, land holdings keep getting fragmented, millions continue to be displaced by projects which benefit only the better off sections of urban India, tribals are FIRed out of their mineral rich forests. And it's not a question of which is the right political or economic model; we have tried them all and failed. And Mr. Sharma still thinks that we should be adding more to this mass of deprivation ?

  In purely environmental terms also, the worst economic template has been the one espoused by the Ruchir Sharma types- the neo-liberal capitalist model ( more easily recognizable as the IMF/ World Bank/ Adani/ Ambani model ). This worships only two Gods: consumption and GDP, all else be damned. And the tragedy is that all our COPs, whether in Paris or Glasgow, bow to the same Gods which is why the hymns they sing to Climate Change are actually dirges for Mother Earth. Consumption and GDP are actually the pall bearers of our planet. They are driving us to more and more relentless exploitation of the planet's natural resources. A finite resource base cannot support an infinite demand for goods, whether it be water, minerals, land, forest produce, crops, meat, even land. The various COPs have not even looked at this dimension of the impending catastrophe.

  Global GDP is US$ 100 trillion and it is achieved by the relentless exploitation of our natural assets, unmindful of the fact that these resources are not limitless. To better appreciate, in tangible terms, this depredation, consider some figures:

There are 200 million passenger cars on the planet, expected to grow to 2 billion by 2035. Cars already account for 30% of all CO2 emissions.

4.1 billion people fly every year, most of them for pleasure. The figure will reach 7. 8 billion by 2038. Aviation already spews 1.250 billion tonnes  of green house gases every year.

We slaughter 1 billion animals for meat in a year, consume 400 million tonnes of meat ( the figure was 55 million tonnes in 1961). The livestock raised for the purpose accounts for 14.50% of all GHG emissions and takes up 80% of all agricultural land; land which could be better utilised for raising crops for the hundreds of millions of people perennially on the brink of starvation.

226 million containers are shipped every year carrying 2 billion tonnes of goods, because we are not satisfied with what is available locally. And all this is on fossil fuels.

27000 trees are felled EVERY DAY to produce toilet paper. Recycled paper is a no-no because it is not soft enough for our pampered posteriors. 

In order to meet the ever increasing demands for goods and services 10 million hectares or 100,000 square miles of forests are felled every year; in the last thirty years we have already lost 80 million hectares of primary forests.

WWF estimates that at least 10000 species are becoming extinct every year, which is 1000 times the natural extinction rate. And all this is owing to human activity.

Just the internet consumes 200 Terra Watt hours of power, more than the total energy requirement of Iran.

   One can go on and on, citing more figures, but the picture is dark enough even without them. The planet is quickly reaching, may have already reached, a point of no return, and not only in terms of climate change but in its ability to renew and heal itself. And yet our economists keep driving us on to consume more and more of everything, and every country is trying to reach higher and higher rates of GDP growth. For purposes of retaining our sanity it may be instructive to remember what Prof. Robert Gordon of North West University, Chicago, warned: global GDP has been growing at an average of 2% per annum since 1900 and can grow no further without irretrievably damaging the planet.

  That may have already happened, but can we at least stop listening to these economists now ? We have to manage Demand and not just focus on Supply, tax expenditure and not just income, impose punitive royalties on ALL natural resources, incentivise alternatives ( such as " plant based meat " ). GDP has to be replaced by a new concept, perhaps an SDP or Sustainable Domestic Product in which the environmental cost should be zero. Net Zero targets should not be limited only to GHG emissions but should also apply to the natural environment and ecology. Every " development" project should be evaluated on the basis of its TOTAL impact on the environment ( not just the joke that EIAs currently are) and if it does not meet the Net Zero criteria it has no business being approved. And we- the children of Mother Earth- must restrain our appetites for the "good" things of life , adopt minimalist or " non-sumption" ways of living. Only a more simple life style can save this planet. At the current rate of consumption we shall leave behind only a scorched and depleted planet for the next generation. The Elon Musks and Richard Bransons can probably relocate themselves on Mars but what about the rest of us ?

   Remember the wise words of the Red Indian Chief Seattle, when he was forced to hand over his precious lands to the white man in 1854:

" This we know. The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. This we know. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself....Continue to contaminate your bed, and you will one day suffocate in your own waste."

There is no Plan(et) B, folks.





  1. Beautifully analysed 👏👏 Thee trillions tons ice of Antarctica has melted in the last 25 years.Greenland .Artic ans Himalaya glaciers have been recessed to hundreds meters. Degradation.desertification.Acidification and Salination are at alarming stage.Temperature of the planet if increases beyond 2 degree C then North- South debate May have to change their argument but not for GDP it is a fact .

  2. very insightful and a good critique

  3. Very informative, analytical and interesting,the policy makers shoud go through it for future documentation.

  4. At precisely the instant that Avay Shukla's lower mandible crashed to the floor, my eyebrows shot skyward. Testifying that both of us were watching Ruchir Sharma impart knowledge to Dr. Prannoy Roy on the direct correlation between higher birth rate and better GDP.

    Not being one with perspicuity, I was bewildered. Was this the esoteric axiom crystallised after decades of ceaseless Economics research - establishing linear propensity between reproduction and prosperity, I mused. But...this was being followed all along by our 'kisans' and rural folk, who firmly believed that more the hands to till the fields, higher the yield. Same was also the bone of contention between JRD Tata and Jawaharlal Nehru, with the former consistently warning the latter of the ills of a burgeoning population. And the latter disarming the former by saying that the people are this nation's greatest asset.

    I was therefore, "discombobulated" - a new word I learnt yesterday, reading an excellent article by Sanjay Jha, which means "confused", or "disoriented".

    While Mr. Shukla, being an administrative man, is luminescent on the perils of exploding human fertility, I was left isolated at the crossroads of uncertainty on hearing Ruchir Sharma. We grew up listening to the lamentation of our elders, the attrition brought about by our nation's high population. We were taught of the ill effects of high human density in our formative years. But we concomitantly heard of the Scandinavian countries attempting to increase their population. Of Japan being a worried nation due to an aged demography. We learnt of Canada welcoming foreigners to its land. Of New Zealand having a population less than a tier 1 city of India, let alone a metropolis. And of the United States of America being the beacon that guided the world in every thinking, including copulating without populating.
    All these countries are far better developed than ours with fewer humans to work their factories, till their fields, ply their vehicles or run their healthcare.

    So how does Ruchir Sharma establish his theory of a falling birth rate undermining our GDP? He rattled off a series of statistics and numbers to support his hypothesis, none of which sufficed to make me see the logic.

    In such moments of "discombobulation" (the new word I learnt), I find it best to invoke the indomitable, omniscient Navjot Sidhu, who has shot a Sidhuism, and I quote him,
    "I lean on Statistics like a drunken man leans on a lamp post - only for support, not for illumination".

    It was then that I realised what Mr. Shukla had grasped promptly when it was uttered - Ruchir Sharma was galactically incorrect last Sunday, and his theorem - even if applicable to other countries - was not for India. Thankfully he and his ilk are exiled to another planet, I think Mars.

    As to the rest of Avay Shukla's elucidative discourse, I absorb with awe the lengthy volume and cogence of presentation. How precisely and poignantly he assigns the pillars of Economics - Consumption and GDP - as the pallbearers of the Earth. With his permission I will name Avarice and Supply as the coparceners for carrying the Planet to its last journey. We will depart having enjoyed its gifts, but will condemn succeeding generations to eternal perdition.

    1. Mr. Shukla wrote such a wonderful analysis sans any jargon and gobbledygook. Perhaps that's what makes Mr. Shukla readable. You should try that, too.

    2. Thank you for that.... sometimes a knock on the head does good.

  5. A largely agree with Avay Shukla that Richar Sharma is totally on the wrong path even as an ecomomist that India's reproductive rate falling should be matter of concern for the economic growth. Besides the malnutrition etc what we need is a higher productivity per person, especially the lower 400 million.
    However, Im more optimistic about the future due to technology innovation. With electric mobility in vehicles and aircrafts not too far away, predominantly renewal energy, better
    agricultural practices things will change for the better.
    Lastly, I may also add that new New Space nation has come up- Asgardia ( with a million people visiting its website. Its aim is to settled in space and have a human childbirth in space.

  6. Very well written! The fact is that we all need to realize that a consumption and GDP focused world cannot take us anywhere - not even to a sustained happiness, even if the climate and Earth's capacity is taken care of by some miracle (which of course not going to happen)

  7. Well written. Not much to add, but Act.

  8. Increased GDP and spiralling consumption figures do not assure equitable distribution of the resources. India doesn't need more Ambanis and Adanis. Govt is constitutionally bound to provide social security, health services and a human standard of living to all its citizens which becomes challenging with growth in population.

  9. Fault does not lie with Ruchir but with his teachers who taught him economics sans the commonsense – the sense that resources are finite and Gaia too has a limit to its rejuvenation. That such ways are directly linked with our lifestyles.
    Traditional ways the world over teach us about the sustainability as a way of life guided mostly by our religions and religious beliefs. These told us to forego things and sacrifice small comforts for larger common good.
    Only lifestyle changes can check the portending Climate Disaster. And the lifestyle/way of living is guided more by our religion than anything else. It is high time that in this discourse we start formally involving the religious leaders beginning with informing them of the extent of damage that we have already caused.
    Thanks again for the timely warning articulated in the characteristic style of Avay Shukla.
    Keep it up.

  10. "I have a very healthy respect for Avay's writing.
    It just went up manyfold when he quoted Chief Seattle, the greatest environmentalist ever!
    Every word Chief Seattle spoke is gold plated.
    So is Chief Shukla's!
    Thank you Avay".

  11. It doesn't take a genius for us to understand that our problems in India, besides being lumped with buffons as politicians, stem from us being way too many mouths to feed.
    And then to have 'learned' economists feed us all this BS.............
    Give us a break!!
    Thank you Avay for calling a spade a spade.

  12. Such a well articulated article from Avay sir as has become so usual. I have nothing to disagree to. Just a glimmer of hope that actions happen at ground zero before it's too late.

  13. It's hard. It's rubbish by implication and it can't be wished away.
    But starting small and in clusters is the only way to bring about an acceptable degree of compatibility. Someone 'unknown' wrote above, 'not much to add but act.' That's the need of the hour.
    Some radical approaches; some clear objectifications and then to act.
    Some of us have had the good fortune to be long connected to NGO action - the amount that has been achieved in the case of drinking water, bio-gas, fruit and grains and wealth generation by way of winter wear now being ordered online from all over the world - have forever changed life in several hundred villages - too small even for large maps but a transformation to see and marvel at.
    Some of these guys - the spearheads - are from the early DSSW/ NDDB/ IRMA days and their continued commitment - from 1980 to the present is well, ok, 'jaw dropping'.
    Similarly there are, again, barely visible among our great numerical challenges, places and people that are advocating reduced consumerism (the touchstone of this particular blog).All it takes is to seriously answer oneself what is it I can do without?
    One of Avay's trick statements is to underline the gloom. And then to provide the hard but do-able options.
    So, there is hope. And optimism is alive and well. But, TO ACT.....
