Friday 3 December 2021


    As one keeps piling on the years ( I am now at three score and eleven ) one also imbibes some wisdom along with the evening pegs. And these days there is no better fount of wisdom than our seraphic Prime Minister who persists with casting his pearls before the swine even as they have their snouts buried deep in the muck of a crumbling civilisation. Let me explain.

  For close on seventy years now I have carried the burden of many failures on my V- shaped ( like the economic recovery ) shoulders. I failed to pass the Mathematics paper in my Senior Cambridge exams. I failed to secure admission to St. Stephens College, and in later years to the Gymkhana Club ( maybe there's a connection between the two ? ). I failed to convince two Chief Ministers that I was not as stupid as I looked and would make a passable Chief Secretary. I have failed to convince my mother-in-law that she did not make a mistake in plighting her daughter's troth to me in a moment of weakness. I have failed in persuading some of my publishers to release my royalty payments to me. I have even failed to convince my dog that I am the man in the house- being gender neutral, he has conferred that title on my wife. The express-way of my life, in short, is dotted with more failures than there are dhabas on the Delhi- Chandigarh highway. A feeling of guilt has cast even more shadows in the evening of my life, as it were.

  And then, suddenly, the shadows were dispersed last week, in the manner of another portion of the Yamuna disappearing everytime Mr Kejriwal pledges to revive it. That feeling of guilt vanished, just like Anna Hazare vanishing after the 2014 elections. Then wisdom dawned on me, as it must surely on Kangana Runout someday in the distant future, that the failures were not my fault at all ! It was not I which had been found wanting, but my " tapasya ." The whole nation has this epiphany on the authority of no less a person than our celestial Prime Minister himself- the fault is not in our stars, dear reader, but in our tapasya. For if the failure of the epochal farm laws can be ascribed to a computer error in his tapasya, surely my minor failures cannot be laid on my character or competence ? Mr. Modi must surely know what he is talking about, having spent his formative years in the Himalayan forests and his abortive years in a Kedarnath cave.

   Now, "tapasya" or meditation is intended to uplift the individual soul, but Mr. Modi appears to have elevated it to an instrument of governance- with disastrous results. Now we know why demonetization , GST and the second Covid wave have played out the way they have: instead of sitting down with a few economists and virologists our Prime Minister was conversing with his soul. He forgot the caution underlined by the Buddha: " There is no meditation without wisdom." Incidentally, there is also no tapasya without sacrifice, but Mr. Modi believes that the sacrifice has to come from the people, while he himself basks in the glow of Arnab Goswami's rhapsodies.

   There is now a real danger that  tapasya may soon be made an essential part of the govt's curriculum, like Yoga. Why, we may soon have an International Tapasya Day decreed by the UN. It may soon become our second most important export, after fugitive billionaires. This is not good news for the poor public. As it is , it's impossible to find a sarkari babu at his table because he has either gone to do Yoga, or watch Man Ki Baat, or organise the Yogi's next rally, or get one of his many cards ( Aadhar, PAN, CGHS, Metrocard, SIM ) updated or recharged. Now tapasya will be added to this onerous list of official engagements. The long suffering citizens, naturally, will have no other option but to perform tapasya themselves, as they did at Shaheen Bagh, the borders of Delhi, Jantar Mantar and outside just about every second police station in Uttar Pradesh. Tapasya will shortly become a national movement, what Mr. Doval would probably term the fourth pillar of democracy, the other three being Man Ki Baat, Ram rajya and the Electoral Bonds.

   Digital India is, of course, welcome but digital tapasya ? Meditation is by definition a lonely activity, not one which is preceded by walks on red carpets, a well lighted background, sartorial affectation, all accompanied by television crews filming every quivering spark of enlightenment descending from the heavens, and dervish anchors singing hosannas to the new deity on the block, or cave, as the case may be. Perhaps someone in Niti Ayog should have reminded our Supreme Leader of what Confucius did NOT say: " You've mastered the selfie, now master thyself."

   The problem, it appears, is the intention behind our Prime Minister's tapasyas. The Buddha said that tapasya is done FROM love, not FOR love. Certainly not for votes. Which is why he should eschew this new management tool and get back to the conventional and time-tested forms of governance- consultation, the interests of the country and not one's party, carrying the Opposition along, being honest with the people, listening to those who disagree. For in the ultimate analysis you are what you do, not what you say you'll do. Something the country is now belatedly finding out, at great cost. 


  1. Sir the most challenging task one could be given after reading your articles is to find that one sentence which was the touchstone.. As each word is a treasure trove used so artfully that the treasure only increases and so does my desire for more(pretty un-Buddha like)! Today is a bright day for putting the new Tapasya fad into enlightened action... Tapasya shatnam gachhami

    1. Well said Ms.Chauhan...I like your effort to find the one touchstone in the excellent compilation. It is but peppered with many so your task is herculean...each paragraph exceeding the other in acerbic wit. I personally loved what Confucius did NOT say...!

    2. "Tapasya shatnam gachhami". May be Vande Mataram gets replaced.
      Ms.Chauahan we all have to chant now...

  2. The last time I had expressed jollity at the writing of Avay Shukla, I was sounded an earful by him for having missed his latent undercurrent. I therefore refuse to tie my insides in muscle-cramping knots of hilarity, and surrender myself this time to his exhortation - Tapasya.
    As I do so, it reveals to me that Avay Shukla and his instigator have a lot in common. For one, both are men the same age, short of a century by a score and nine; separated at birth by distance, not time. Both vouch a robust build - one with V shaped shoulders and the other with a 56 inch chest. More germanely, both have wagered on Tapasya to steer their ship to salubrious shores - Avay Shukla to gain tangibly and intangibly, including his mother-in-law's and canine's beneficence - and his "bete noire" to gain the agriculturists' nod to his laws inspite of their apprehensions of being directed to perdition. Most pertinently, Tapasya eluded them both in their quest - by their own admission. One is rueing his missed chances from troth to triumph; the other from watershed win to watery woe.
    There is another commonality that binds them. Both swear their Tapasya to the snowy slopes of the Himalayas. One as a professed avid trekker, the other as a meditating caver (not caveman!) always with media and might in tow.
    I am reminded of an elevated Wise One who shared high altitude with both these men on a secluded spot in the same mountains. On being asked the secret of his divinity, he answered "My Tapasya of 22 years and Green Tea." Then he offered the questioner his choice. Being a man of the world and not of the cloth, he asked for Green Tea. "Tapasya...bring two Green Teas please..." requested the Wise One as in glided a nubile nymph who could Runout Kangana by a mile.
    I have learnt from the Wise One that it is perhaps best to retain Tapasya in her physical manifestation than her spiritual, ethereal, transcendental or other attributes - in the attempt to achieve worldly wants or use her as ballast for bigoted decision-making.
    Sir, permit me the joy of unbridled, uproarious laughter on your brilliantly witty narrative!

    1. Mr Patankar, your comments add a lot of value and additional layers of meaning to my blogs, clothed in subtle wit. You really should start a blog of your own, and then we can joust with each other more often than just once a week !
      As for Tapasya, I'll take a pass on your suggestion : at this stage in one's life the physically endowed Tapasya is perhaps more than one can handle. I'll stick with the spiritual one and replace the green tea with single malt, if the Wise One permits!

    2. Coming from you, it is for me compliment of the highest Tapasya brings good results. Thank you Sir.
      The Wise One smiles benevolently at you, for being among those who have understood that it is perfectly alright to replace a Green Label with a Blue Label as long as you do not replace dissent with bigotry.
      As for Tapasya, let us both retain our preference of form!

  3. You are a repository of knowledge and experience. Your writing reflects and vibes with many well meaning citizens. Kudos to you sir.

  4. The only way to chuckle at this blog is to exclaim Mazaa aa gaya !

  5. The banter between Avay and Dipankar adds more colour to the witty narrative..

  6. Mazaa aa gaya (as usual, so what's new?) One correction: You didn't make Chief Secretary because you couldn't convince 2 Chief Ministers you weren't as honest (not stupid) as you look. :-) Being too honest (or apolitical or idealistic- what they call "inflexible") can be a damning disqualification for CS for most political leaders...

  7. If it weren't so funny it could make you cry. I flop about like a dying fish on a sun baked deck. And the only way I think to go is down. Back in the water would be best. Otherwise it's the galley.

  8. Don't even begin to think of Tapasya, Avay. Else you will remain so busy with the physical as well as transcendental effects that you will have no time to write. Take care my friend ...
