Saturday 12 September 2020



A "legal fiction" is  an idea or a concept, which doesn't actually exist in fact, but is mandated to exist by law or convention or belief for the larger good of mankind. Some important examples of legal fiction are:  rule of law, justice, human rights, democracy, social equality. They don"t actually exist in the real world but we are led to believe that they do, for they are essential for an orderly, stable society: without them we would descend into chaos. In recent days in India even the Constitution appears to be a legal fiction. God too is a legal fiction. HE doesn't exist ( at least not to the satisfaction of science) but it is important to believe that HE does, for a pious and stable society. But this is one fiction that the BJP-RSS combine has exploited to the hilt and used to come to power like no other political outfit has done before or after.The Ram Mandir movement and the construction of the temple in Ayodhya is the best example of this. (This was in fact an instance where two legal fictions coalesced to serve the BJP's purpose- God and Justice, the latter in the form of the inexplicable Supreme Court judgment on the matter which laid low the hopes of one community but raised a certain judge to Parliamentary heights)

But fiction is something the ruling party is comfortable with, since practically all its vaunted achievements and promises are nothing but fiction, if not fantasy: economic growth, a five trillion dollar economy, eradicating the pandemic in 21 days, making India a vishwaguru, leading the world in Climate change reforms, providing ten million new jobs a year, eradicating black money, uniting the nation, revolutionising the tax structure with GST. There are more such creative chimeras, but these should do to illustrate my point, which is that our present dispensation has erased the distinction between fact and fiction. Including the distinction between its own actions and the actions of God. The official confirmation of this was the recent statement of our Finance Minister that our horrendous economic slump of -23.9% was " an Act of God" and that therefore the Centre was not bound to pay the GST dues to the states. Actually, the Act of God too is a legal fiction!

Now, Ms Sitharaman is a deeply religious person: she doesn't eat onions, her quotations from the ancient classics are far more authentic than her budget figures, and she believes that the mythical Saraswati river is as real as the "green shoots" of the economy- the only problem being that only she can see these chimeras, no one else. So what are we to make of this blasphemy from a devout lady, who otherwise has very little in common with that other great believer, Mr. Maradona of the " hand of God" fame. But Maradona at least had won his match, whereas our Finance Minister seems to be losing hers.

Her Delphic statement has befuddled political commentators and economists, who in any case are not known for their clarity of thinking. Even rampaging TV anchors have taken their eyes off Rhea Chakravarty and Kangana Ranaut ( a difficult feat, I must admit) to decipher this observation. Does it mean that Mr. Modi has been finally elevated to Godhood, since it is only thy hand, Great Anarch, that can conduct this orchestra of despair and perdition? Or is it a final admission of sovereign fraud, the state joining the ranks of Mallya and Nirav Modi, to deny us what is rightfully ours?

Ms Sitharaman also did not explain the obvious paradox in her claim about this act of God: how is it that a Hindu God inflicted such punishment on His own peoples, or conversely, why is a Hindu nation blaming its own God? This quandary brings to mind that immortal verse by Ogden Nash:
" How odd of God
  To choose the Jews,
  But odder still are those who choose 
  A Jewish God and spurn the Jews!"
A similar confusion appears to prevail here, but maybe it can still be clarified in the forthcoming session of Parliament. I am aware that we no longer have the Question hour since there are no answers left, but perhaps the matter can be taken up suo moto in the manner of contempt cases. After all, we now have a retired ( or is it retreaded?) Ranjan Gogoi to advise the government: Show me the God and I'll show you the rule.

For it is apparent to anyone who does not swear by banana republic channels that Ms Sitharaman and her capo are fast losing the plot, not by acts of God, but by Acts of Parliament and acts of sheer arrogance: the CAA, the NRC, the NIA, GST, UAPA, demonetisation, the lockdowns, the Rs. 20000 crore for the Central Vista project, the enforced migrant exodus, the Rs. 2000 crore budget just announced for the 2021 Kumbh Mela, the Bullet train which is already a spent bullet- all while the bottom has been knocked out of our economy, the dragon is comfortably curled up on our northern borders, and we will be celebrating this Diwali by becoming the global number one in the "Ease Of Getting Infected" chart, all set to overtake the USA in the Corona hit parade.

Economists have had to invent a new revival diagram for us, we are told that the Indian economy is likely to have a K shaped curve for its recovery, the two diverging prongs from the perpendicular indicative of the massive inequality that will result. This K shaped curve will in future times be known as the Kedarnath curve, where the Supreme leader, meditating in a Himalayan cave, will levitate to transcendental heights along with his "jhola" and a few A-lister corporate buddies, while the suckers like you and me ( the lower prong) will plummet to the depths of bankruptcy and ruin. This, in essence, is the K curve- to misquote Churchill: never have so many given away so much to so few.

But elections still have to be won. The time for taking credit is over, it's now time to pass the buck. The gods can be appeased later, perhaps when the Ram mandir is consecrated or Kashi and Mathura brought into the fold, but right now it's blame game time. The banking system is about to collapse with a possible further moratorium on Rs. 40 lakh crores of outstanding loans, the states may start retrenching employees and cutting back on pensions and salaries, 23 million salaried jobs have already been lost. Elections are due in Bihar and Bengal and somebody has to carry the can.

And so the government and the BJP are upping the blame game ante. They had begun by blaming the Mughals, then the British, graduated to the Gandhis ( the unoffending poor Mahatma included), moved on to Manmohan Singh and finally settled on Jawaharlal Nehru. But there is only so much earth you can pile on to a person who has been dead now for half a century, and with the mess piling up faster than you can say " Holy shit!" some other scapegoat was needed. What better than a celestial scapegoat cloaked in unchallengeable divinity, to whom no Question Hour applies, a legal fiction which cannot be questioned on pain of a jail term?- yes, sir, blame it all on acts of God. And when the good times ( and the GDP growth) return, conflate that God with one individual, redact the earlier statement, and roar  "Hail to the Leader!" But what if the good times are in no hurry to return? Who does one blame then? Well, there's always the Holy Ghost.


  1. Very well said. Please get these articles reprinted in as many regional languages and newspapers, online and offline, so that others not fluent in English can benefit from these writings.

    1. You should try to translate this in a language you know

  2. I am happy there is some one who knows the truth. Unfortunately, this truth too disappears slowly. But, the truth is communicated.

  3. Excellent portrayal of events happening in the country. It is a piece to be widely disseminated and treasured.

  4. Reading your factual fiction, what sound history it makes,
    Hilarious, hard hitting, truthful, intrepid, having what it takes
    Make us see, economic follies of Niti and pious woman, of acts divine
    Mixing figures absurd, re-imagined facts with ideological wine
    A heady sarkari mocktail, a pandemic panacea; like so many other fakes?

  5. It was folly of God to create man

  6. Brilliant and brutally honest. As a P G Woodhouse fan great to see the art alive. Super and more, Avay Sahib, you have a huge following.

    1. You have described the jokers handling the govt . In a simple language . But sir , is there an alternative to this regime , we have experienced the other cartoon for 50 yrs which has gone from bad to worse . God save us .

  7. Wonderfully put. Is anyone listening? The Gods are surely punishing us for our stupidity in accepting all and any nonsense.

  8. As usual brilliant and bold. Many pertinent points made with a sense of humor.

  9. Brilliant. Bold. Truthful.Avay Shukla tells it as it is in his own inimitable style.

  10. Ruthless. Legit fiction. Retreading the retired syndrome.

  11. Well brought out Sir. But the people who decide India's fate will never believe you and me.
    The revival is not far away. The businesses are in a do or die mode because they have gathered that the government is in a Lockdown and isn't going to do anything. New natty Yojnas and Phrases (mathematics and semantics) are all that will be forthcoming from the Hill.
    Take my word it is your MSME segment and unorganised sector that will spearhead India's Revival and as they don't have deep pockets this will happen fast.

  12. Pushy send me your Kailash story. Why am I not surprised to have become a philosopher of the Indian human condition? Yes, Modi is God, and those who oppose him are infidels. Remember Modi's PR and campaigns are run by Indian-Americans in the US, and they're very good. He also is very good. says the minimum necessary, avoids going on and on, unlike my President aka The Duke of Orange who says something stupid 20 times a day without fail. Modi sticks strictly to the message. Thus: the Chinese did not attack us; there is no crisis. Where this starts cracking up is that the Indian people are actually very quick to see through deceptions> Contra most Indians, I believe the Indian public is very smart. But people get trapped: Modi is a strong leader, there is noone to challenge him except within his party. Indians have been long for a strong leader since Mrs. Gandhi. But at the end of the day (to use the trite American expression), if Modi doesnt deliver by 2024, he's on trouble.

  13. Sir, you’ve done a good job excoriating the Saffron retards in power. With pertinent examples too! But as the Retard-in-Chief (RIC) himself publicly recounted a few months ago, “Article 370, done! CAA, done! NRC, done! Ram Mandir, done! For some reason, and as you’ve eloquently set out above, the RIC chose to leave out “Economy, done! National Security (in front of Foreign Powers, where it matters, not in front of poor, defenceless, children and women in minority communities), done! Self-respect, done!

    But I digress. The RIC drew himself up on his hind legs and said, “This is preliminary. We’re just starting.” As we have seen in the past few months, the RIC wasn’t joking.

    I’m, however, not one to give you a free pass, sir. You left out a few things in your list of important legal fiction — morality, ethics, integrity, competence, professionalism, honour, duty, responsibility, reliability, family, compassion, kindness, service, selflessness, etc., etc., ad nauseam. Foreign sounding words to your ears, eh, sir?

    As Pogo said “We (present company included) have seen the enemy and it’s us!”

    Stay well.

    1. Hannah Arendt on LIES...
      "The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please".

  14. Bravo! Up, up and Avay! Wonderfully well written- joota well concealed in a satirical dushala but it'll doubtless sting the bhakts and their Bhagwan. Take care, Sir-Banana Republic its Arnab Naxal are always straining at the leash!

  15. Lovely piece Mr. Shukla!! Given that I have really fond memories of Greater Kailash 1, E. Block, that actually made me love Delhi for a couple of years, all I can say is that I am so pleased you lost your balls for golf. Hate that game, prefer football in the E-Block park...

    Yeah, lovely piece. Had me in splits. Very important that we laugh at these clowns...

    1. Anybody who constantly makes fun of other people is a moron.

  16. As usual a briiliant expose of today's realities ! Keep it up and let more appear in print and about time in Youtube media !!!

  17. Outstanding post. The truth brilliantly crafted.

    1. What truth. You won’t recognize it when you see it. These IAS officers run corrupt Indian bureaucracy.

  18. Your on the button criticism and derision of the bhakt regime and its leader(s), your insights and the way you express them never cease to amaze me. I like the suggestion that your posts should be translated into regional languages (or at least Hindi) so as to reach a wider audience. I've tons of friends and relatives that are staunch NaMo supporters going by what they forward or post on WhatsApp and other social media, and some are now changing their views.

  19. This is a bullsh*t article just criticizing BJP for all the evils of society. What was Congress doing all these 70 years, will the author have the guts to point it's mistakes??? Alas no, it definitely seems some pro Congress lobby article. Btw, were the earlier Congress rulers saints or Gods that we can't accuse??? Give me a break!!!!

    1. Congress is gone. Why compare the past when BJP regime promised to bring about a change.. you’re right .. it did bring a change in the reverse ..from bad to worse

  20. What a cracker of an article! Do publish it in major newspapers. This must be read by as many as possible.
